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CS2 Server Classes

Markus edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Here is a list of all currently known server classes and their properties.

GitHub doesn't allow Wiki pages to be large enough to display all properties here, so you'll need to go to here.

Alternatively, you can use this command to print out all server classes + properties:

$ go run -tags debugdemoinfocs -ldflags '-X' examples/print-events/print_events.go -demo test/cs-demos/default.dem
  1. Server Classes
  2. Properties

Server Classes

0 CAK47
1 CBarnLight
2 CBaseAnimGraph
3 CBaseButton
4 CBaseClientUIEntity
5 CBaseCombatCharacter
6 CBaseCSGrenade
7 CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile
8 CBaseDoor
9 CBaseEntity
10 CBaseFlex
11 CBaseGrenade
12 CBaseModelEntity
13 CBasePlayerController
14 CBasePlayerPawn
15 CBasePlayerWeapon
16 CBasePropDoor
17 CBaseToggle
18 CBaseTrigger
19 CBaseViewModel
20 CBeam
21 CBombTarget
22 CBrBaseItem
23 CBRC4Target
24 CBreachCharge
25 CBreachChargeProjectile
26 CBreakable
27 CBreakableProp
28 CBumpMine
29 CBumpMineProjectile
30 CC4
31 CChicken
32 CColorCorrection
33 CColorCorrectionVolume
34 CCSEnvGunfire
35 CCSGameRulesProxy
36 CCSGO_TeamIntroCharacterPosition
37 CCSGO_TeamIntroCounterTerroristPosition
38 CCSGO_TeamIntroTerroristPosition
39 CCSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition
40 CCSGO_TeamSelectCharacterPosition
41 CCSGO_TeamSelectCounterTerroristPosition
42 CCSGO_TeamSelectTerroristPosition
43 CCSGO_WingmanIntroCharacterPosition
44 CCSGO_WingmanIntroCounterTerroristPosition
45 CCSGO_WingmanIntroTerroristPosition
46 CCSGOViewModel
47 CCSMinimapBoundary
48 CCSObserverPawn
49 CCSPlayerController
50 CCSPlayerPawn
51 CCSPlayerPawnBase
52 CCSPlayerResource
53 CCSPropExplodingBarrel
54 CCSPropExplodingBarrelTop
55 CCSTeam
56 CDangerZone
57 CDangerZoneController
58 CDEagle
59 CDecoyGrenade
60 CDecoyProjectile
61 CDrone
62 CDronegun
63 CDynamicLight
64 CDynamicProp
65 CEconEntity
66 CEconWearable
67 CEntityDissolve
68 CEntityFlame
69 CEnvCombinedLightProbeVolume
70 CEnvCubemap
71 CEnvCubemapBox
72 CEnvCubemapFog
73 CEnvDecal
74 CEnvDetailController
75 CEnvGasCanister
76 CEnvLightProbeVolume
77 CEnvParticleGlow
78 CEnvProjectedTexture
79 CEnvScreenOverlay
80 CEnvSky
81 CEnvVolumetricFogController
82 CEnvVolumetricFogVolume
83 CEnvWind
84 CFireCrackerBlast
85 CFireSmoke
86 CFish
87 CFists
88 CFlashbang
89 CFogController
90 CFootstepControl
91 CFuncBrush
92 CFuncConveyor
93 CFuncElectrifiedVolume
94 CFuncLadder
95 CFuncMonitor
96 CFuncMoveLinear
97 CFuncRotating
98 CFuncTrackTrain
99 CFuncWater
100 CGameRulesProxy
101 CGradientFog
102 CGrassBurn
103 CHandleTest
104 CHEGrenade
105 CHostage
106 CHostageCarriableProp
107 CHostageRescueZone
108 CIncendiaryGrenade
109 CInferno
110 CInfoInstructorHintHostageRescueZone
111 CInfoLadderDismount
112 CInfoMapRegion
113 CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture
114 CInfoVisibilityBox
115 CInfoWorldLayer
116 CItem_Healthshot
117 CItemCash
118 CItemDogtags
119 CKnife
120 CKnifeGG
121 CLightDirectionalEntity
122 CLightEntity
123 CLightEnvironmentEntity
124 CLightGlow
125 CLightOrthoEntity
126 CLightSpotEntity
127 CMapVetoPickController
128 CMelee
129 CModelPointEntity
130 CMolotovGrenade
131 CMolotovProjectile
132 COmniLight
133 CParadropChopper
134 CParticleSystem
135 CPathParticleRope
136 CPhysBox
137 CPhysicsProp
138 CPhysicsPropMultiplayer
139 CPhysMagnet
140 CPhysPropAmmoBox
141 CPhysPropLootCrate
142 CPhysPropRadarJammer
143 CPhysPropWeaponUpgrade
144 CPlantedC4
145 CPlantedC4Survival
146 CPlayerPing
147 CPlayerSprayDecal
148 CPlayerVisibility
149 CPointCamera
150 CPointClientUIDialog
151 CPointClientUIWorldPanel
152 CPointClientUIWorldTextPanel
153 CPointCommentaryNode
154 CPointEntity
155 CPointValueRemapper
156 CPointWorldText
157 CPostProcessingVolume
158 CPrecipitation
159 CPrecipitationBlocker
160 CPredictedViewModel
161 CPropCounter
162 CRagdollManager
163 CRagdollProp
164 CRagdollPropAttached
165 CRectLight
166 CRopeKeyframe
167 CSceneEntity
168 CSensorGrenade
169 CSensorGrenadeProjectile
170 CShatterGlassShardPhysics
171 CSkyCamera
172 CSmokeGrenade
173 CSmokeGrenadeProjectile
174 CSoundAreaEntityBase
175 CSoundAreaEntityOrientedBox
176 CSoundAreaEntitySphere
177 CSoundOpvarSetAABBEntity
178 CSoundOpvarSetOBBEntity
179 CSoundOpvarSetOBBWindEntity
180 CSoundOpvarSetPathCornerEntity
181 CSoundOpvarSetPointBase
182 CSoundOpvarSetPointEntity
183 CSpotlightEnd
184 CSprite
185 CSpriteOriented
186 CSun
187 CSurvivalSpawnChopper
188 CTablet
189 CTeam
190 CTextureBasedAnimatable
191 CTonemapController2
192 CTriggerBuoyancy
193 CTriggerVolume
194 CTripWireFire
195 CTripWireFireProjectile
196 CVoteController
197 CWaterBullet
198 CWeaponAug
199 CWeaponAWP
200 CWeaponBaseItem
201 CWeaponBizon
202 CWeaponCSBase
203 CWeaponCSBaseGun
204 CWeaponElite
205 CWeaponFamas
206 CWeaponFiveSeven
207 CWeaponG3SG1
208 CWeaponGalilAR
209 CWeaponGlock
210 CWeaponHKP2000
211 CWeaponM249
212 CWeaponM4A1
213 CWeaponMAC10
214 CWeaponMag7
215 CWeaponMP7
216 CWeaponMP9
217 CWeaponNegev
218 CWeaponNOVA
219 CWeaponP250
220 CWeaponP90
221 CWeaponSawedoff
222 CWeaponSCAR20
223 CWeaponSG556
224 CWeaponShield
225 CWeaponSSG08
226 CWeaponTaser
227 CWeaponTec9
228 CWeaponUMP45
229 CWeaponXM1014
230 CWeaponZoneRepulsor
231 CWorld
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