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GitHub Action

Update Gradle dependencies and plugins

v1 Latest version

Update Gradle dependencies and plugins


Update Gradle dependencies and plugins

Uses com.markelliot.versions to update dependencies and plugins


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Update Gradle dependencies and plugins

uses: markelliot/update-gradle-deps@v1

Learn more about this action in markelliot/update-gradle-deps

Choose a version


This action checks for updates to Java dependencies and Gradle plugins and submits a PR with any such updates. It works for Java projects that use Gradle as the build tooling and depends on the com.markelliot.versions Gradle plugin tasks checkNewVersions, updateVersionsProps, updatePlugins and updateGradleWrapper. Compatible projects will also be managing dependencies with a versions.props file (such as with the nebula.dependency-recommender or com.palantir.gradle-consistent-versions plugins).

In addition to updating versions.props and build script plugin references, this action will run ./gradlew --write-locks to update any relevant lock files.

To reduce noise from a scheduled version of this action, it pushes changes to a dedicated branch (default auto/versions) and only creates a PR if there are updates. If a PR exists and newer dependency or plugin versions are available, the branch is force-overwritten. Additionally, the action will consistently bring the branch up to date with the primary development branch.

Note: a GitHub Personal Access Token with repo permission is required so that the created PR triggers any other repository-defined actions. If you do not wish to trigger downstream actions you may use the action-supplied GITHUB_TOKEN.

Note: you must set fetch-depth to 0 on the actions/checkout step to allow this action to force-overwrite the branch, should new dependencies or plugins be available.


Required configuration:

  • push-to-repo-token: a Personal Access Token with repo permission (or pass an appropriately permissioned action GITHUB_TOKEN if you do not with to trigger additional actions).

    Note that your checkout action should use the same token. See the sample below.

  • commit-user: the username to use when creating an update commit

  • commit-email: the email address to use when creating an update commit (typically <commit-user>

Overridable defaults:

  • commit-title: the title to use for the update commit (default Auto-update dependencies and plugins)
  • primary-branch: the branch to target the update pull request (default develop)
  • working-branch: the branch to use for new commits (default auto/versions)
  • pr-title: the title to use for the update pull request (default Auto-update dependencies and plugins)


To schedule an update check every day at 10am and allow for manual triggering:

name: Update Deps
  # allow manual triggers
  workflow_dispatch: {}
  # run every day at 10am
    - cron: '0 10 * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.GH_PUSH_TO_REPO_TOKEN }}
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v2
          java-version: '17'
          distribution: 'zulu'
      - uses: markelliot/update-gradle-deps@v1
          push-to-repo-token: ${{ secrets.GH_PUSH_TO_REPO_TOKEN }}
          commit-user: markelliot
          commit-email: [email protected]