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GitHub Action
Coverlet coverage test
This action runs coverlet coverage tool on a dotnet core solution
Required the path to the unit test csproj (relative to the repository root) ex : `testProject/testProject.csproj
Required name of the coverage output file.
Required format of the output coverage file (lcov,cobertura, ...) see coverlet documentation : Coverage Output
assemblies and namespaces exclusions for coverage : see coverlet documentation Filters
Filters must be separated with a ',' (comma).
example : [filteredAssembly1]*,[filteredAssembl2]namespace2.*
Minimum coverage percent on all changes to your project below which build will fail.
example : 80
path to the generated coverage file. can be used to send data to coveralls for example.
uses: b3b00/[email protected]
testProject: 'myProjectTests/myProjectTests.csproj'
output: ''
outputFormat: 'lcov'
excludes: '[program]*,[test]test.*'
threshold: 80
- name : coverlet
uses: b3b00/[email protected]
testProject: 'myProjectTests/myProjectTests.csproj'
output: ''
outputFormat: 'lcov'
excludes: '[program]*,[test]test.*'
- name: coveralls
uses: coverallsapp/[email protected]
github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
path-to-lcov: ${{steps.coverlet.outputs.coverageFile}}