Full problem description is located at: https://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/6/fa12/6.170/courseMaterial/topics/topic2/project/text5/text
###Heroku URL
Please put it here: http://intense-coast-1179.herokuapp.com
This is a software as a service, and once an administrator signs in and creates a post, they will be givin a Javascript/HTML snippet to put on their webpage that will display comments.
Comments and votes are polled every 10 seconds. Only the comments themselves are rerendered; the rest of the page is not refreshed.
A test page for this service can be found at http://intense-coast-1179.herokuapp.com/new_test.
###Code Deliverables
Your code should be a rails project located at the root of this repository. To create a new rails project, run
>> rails new .
in this directory.
###PDF Deliverables
Additional deliverables, such as the problem-analysis and the design-analysis, should be saved as PDF files in the directory called "deliverables"