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Pagador (Braspag) Checkout for WooCommerce

Contributors: mariovalney
Donate link:
Tags: woocommerce, payment, braspag, mariovalney
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.3
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 4.0.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Add Braspag payment to your WooCommerce e-commerce!


Add Braspag gateway to WooCommerce.

Braspag is a Brazilian payment gateway.


This plugin was developer using the official docs of gateway, without any support.

None of developers have link with Braspag or WooCommerce.

Payment Methods

  • Bank Slip
  • Credit Card


We tested this plugin against version 8.1+ of WooCommerce.

This plugin do not require Brazilian Market on WooCommerce but suggest your use.

Braspag only requires customer name, but more fields are need for anti fraud or other gateway features.


After installing the plugin, activate the payment method and go to the configuration page.

  • Activate the payment method.
  • Fill the title and description for this payment method.
  • Add the "Merchant ID" provided by Braspag.
  • Check the option "Sandbox" if the store is not in Production (available for real sale).
  • Add the "Secret Merchant Key" provided by Braspag (note that it is different for Sandbox).

After that, just activate the available payment methods.

All of them require a "Provider" provided by Braspag and some settings: read the tips (icon with the question mark) for more information.


You can translate Pagador (Braspag) Checkout for WooCommerce to your language.


  • Install "Pagador (Braspag) Checkout for WooCommerce" by plugins dashboard.


  • Upload the entire woo-checkout-braspag folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.


  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it works with Gutenberg?

Yes. WooCommerce supports WordPress 5+ and we too.

Does it works for another e-commerce plugin?

Nope. This is a WooCommerce extension.

I cannot add a payment on order administration

To create a payment on admin you should:

  • Add a name to "billing address".
  • Make sure order is not empty and not paid (needs payment).
  • Set Braspag as payment method.
  • Transaction ID must be empty.

Transaction ID?

The transaction ID is the Braspag number on your order.

If you already have a Transaction ID (payment was done in Braspag) you must use the relative Order Action to get information from Braspag.

My orders are not being updated automatically

You should configure a URL to receive notification from Braspag.

It should be: ""

Do not forget to change "" to your home url.

Which URL I should inform to receive Braspag POST Notifications?

Check the previous FAQ.

How about e-wallet?

E-wallet is still on ALFA and not fully implemented. The payment method will not show up on checkout page (or order administration).

We DO NOT RECOMMEND, but you can implement it by yourself:

Step 1 - Create your frontend implementation as documented by e-wallet.

Step 2 - Filter the wc_checkout_braspag_frontend_payment_methods return to allow e-wallet on front-end.

Step 3 - Create and fill hidden inputs on braspag/payment-methods/wl-form.php for the data received by e-wallet:

  • braspag_payment_wl_type: the e-wallet type (Braspag docs: Wallet.Type).
  • braspag_payment_wl_token: the received token/code from e-wallet (we will fill the required Braspag field for each wallet type - there is no standard field name).
  • braspag_payment_wl_installments: payment installments (from Braspag docs, but we are not sure it can be not 1).

Step 4 - Make sure everything is configured on WooCommerce admin (WalletKeys) and on Braspag (environment and production credentials).

If you want to contribute a PR will be appreciated.

My bank slip number changed

We used to sent the "BoletoNumber" to Braspag but it's not required and can cause problems for some providers.

By now we decided to remove this field and alow you to add/change it if "wc_checkout_braspag_bank_slip_number" filter.

This will not change nothing on WordPress dashboard.

What is PHP?

It is a programming language for web development. PHP as like any software it has versions. And we just support 7 (and above).

If you are using PHP in version below 7, please contact your host to update your environment.

Who are the developers?

Can I help you?

Yes! Visit GitHub repository.


1. Screenshot 1

1. Screenshot 1

2. Screenshot 2

2. Screenshot 2

3. Screenshot 3

3. Screenshot 3



  • Minor fixes.


  • Minor fixes.


  • Support to PHP 8.2.


  • Added 'wc_checkout_braspag_update_order_from_payment_transaction' filter.
  • Added 'is_processing_payment' method on gateway to allow developers check the first transaction data.
  • Added 'get_recurrent_payment' method in query requrests.


  • Added API error messages when creating orders ('WC_Checkout_Braspag_Messages::payment_error_message' on 'post_transaction').


  • Added 'wc_checkout_braspag_payment_status' filter.
  • Added 'wc_checkout_braspag_payment_status_note' filter.
  • Added 'wc_checkout_braspag_payment_error_message' filter.
  • Added 'wc_checkout_braspag_do_payment_request' filter.


  • Added a way to overwrite wallet key with front-end (e-wallet are still in BETA).


  • Added option to send Company Name instead Customer Name if CNPJ is presented.


  • Fixed CardToken storage.


It's a developer version:

  • Allow developers to create payment with a payent data array (maybe by API).
  • E-wallet implementation on BETA (without front-end integration by now).

For users:

  • Few translation fixes.


  • Updated Braspag Providers.


  • Fixed customer identity if person type is not provided.


  • Removed "BoletoNumber" field.
  • Added filters.


  • Translation fix


  • Improved payment info on order.
  • Added customer validation on checkout.
  • Allow developers skip payment method on checkout.
  • Allow create payment on order administration.


  • Added payment info on order.
  • Added autofind for credit card brands.
  • Removing Debit Card as it's not tested.


  • Added payment info on mails.


  • Support to empty Credentials if already configured on Braspag.


  • Support to Issuer.


  • Fix cents on order amount and improve order validation.


  • Support to Safra


  • Best file organization.
  • Added methods to work with ExtraDataCollection on Payment info.


  • It's alive!
  • Receive payments with Braspag!

Upgrade Notice

Support to new PHP version. It's a major update!

Please, check changes on staging before update.