- Parse Saved Files when selected pump is Omnipod and prepare csv file with every Pod message in the file for each individual pod included in the file, valid for
- Loop Reports
- FreeAPS X Log Files
- updated to work with iAPS and Trio files
- Parse HEX strings from rPi DASH simulator or Xcode debug logs
- This is done one string at a time
If you want to parse a whole saved Xcode debug log refer to Select OmniBLE Parser Scheme in Xcode
Please see the wiki for instructions on how to use this parser.
- Reorganize the code (with help from #1 child)
- Use flake8 to force pretty code
- Use folders and set up packages
- Move the documentation to the wiki (WIP)
- Use pd.at instead of deprecated pd.set_value
- Do some work using git on windows, then switch to mac exclusively
- FreeAPS X aka OpenAPS on an iPhone is available for test (using since April)
- The log files (log.txt, log_prev.txt) have the message hex code for pods
- The format is different, so need to expand the parsers to handle Messages
- The README.md was not updated with later updates. Please refer to the wiki.