Additional repository of
Marco Peer and Robert Sablatnig: Feature Mixing for Writer Retrieval and Identification on Papyri Fragments at HIP@ICDAR2023. Our code is available in the corresponding repository. Paper on arXiv
The repository contains the three versions of the PapyRow dataset (they will probably be moved to another location soon):
- color - the original version as proposed in the paper
- sauvola - binarized version using Sauvola's algorithm
- unet - binarized version using a U-Net with Tormentor augmentations
In the models directory, the trained networks are saved (trained on ID 4) - to reproduce the retrieval results, e.g.
Please consider citing our paper if you find it helpful
author = {Peer, Marco and Sablatnig, Robert},
title = {Feature Mixing for Writer Retrieval and Identification on Papyri Fragments},
booktitle = {accepted for presentation at HIP@ICDAR2023: 7th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing},
month = {August},
year = {2023},
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me mpeer(at)