Follow the instructions below to send logs stored on AWS S3 to Rapid 7.
- Forwarding AWS ELB and CloudFront logs
- (make sure to set ELB/CloudFront to write logs every 5 minutes)
- When forwarding these logs, the script will format the log lines according to Rapid 7 KVP or JSON spec to make them easier to analyze
- Forwarding OpenDNS logs
Log in to your Rapid 7 account
Add a new token based log
Create a new Lambda function
Choose the appropriate Python blueprint for S3 objects
Configure function:
- Give your function a name
- Assign or create a new role that is allowing GetObject on necessary s3 bucket(s). Note: Creating a new one automatically from this UI adds required permissions automatically`
Configure triggers:
- Choose the bucket log files are being stored in
- Set event type "All object create events"
Click "Create function"
Upload function code:
- Create a .ZIP file, containing
and the foldercertifi
- Make sure the files and
folder are in the root of the ZIP archive
- Make sure the files and
- Go to "Code source" section of lambda setup
- Choose ".zip file" in "Upload from" dropdown and upload the archive created in previous step
- Set Python runtime version to
Python 3.9
by editing "Runtime settings" section - Set handler name to
Working example file structure:
(root) - current AWS sets root directory name to your lambda function name automatically ├── certifi/ │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── cacert.pem │ ├── │ ├── old_root.pem │ └── weak.pem ├──` `` `Note: Zip files downloaded via github puts all the files under a subdirectory; thefore, uploading the downloaded zip directly to AWS will not work.`
- Create a .ZIP file, containing
Select configuration tab, edit "General configuration" to change memory and timeout limits
Add the following Environment Variables:
- Token value should match UUID provided by Rapid 7 UI or API
- Region should be that of your R7 account
Key Value region InsightOps region token Token UUID
- The "Test" execution in AWS Lambda will ALWAYS fail as the test event does not refer to an existing S3 object. In order to verify, upload a sample file to source bucket