A service to showcase your pictures online.
We believe that a portfolio should display only your most stunning work, with no clutter & in a layout designed for your photos.
See http://ffocused.com for more about what this is all about.
Currently ffocused supports:
- Flickr (Pictures by set, maximum 100 public pictures per category)
- Instagram (Pictures by user, requires login)
- Facebook (Pictures by user, requires login)
- Picasa (Google+)
- Tumblr
- Dropbox
Clone this repository or fork it:
git clone https://[email protected]/marcgg/ffocused.git
From the project root run:
cp config/social_accounts.yml.template config/social_accounts.yml
This will create the social_accounts.yml file, that looks like this:
development: &DEVELOPMENT
application_api_key: "xxx"
application_secret: "xxx"
application_id: "xxx"
application_secret: "xxx"
application_api_key: "xxx"
callback_url: "http://xxx.com/oauth/facebook_callback"
client_id: "xxx"
client_secret: "xxx"
callback_url: "http://xxx.com/oauth/instagram_callback"
Notice that you will have to create applications of your own and then report the configuration options here. More about each service here:
- Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/services/developer
- Facebook: http://developers.facebook.com
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/developer/
ffocused.com is deployed on Heroku. It is a great service and if you don't know it I recommand that you go and check it out. The thing with Heroku is that you have a different way to setup configuration variables since you don't want to commit your social_accounts.yml file for obvious security reasons.
So what do we do? Well we use ENV variables! More about that here: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars
Because I'm lazy, I added a simple rake task that takes the current environment loaded and gives you the command to run and set the variables on Heroku. Simply run:
rake ffocused:heroku_vars
Copy the result that should look like something like:
heroku config:add [blah blah blah lots of stuff here]
Then you need to say that you wan to use Heroku by setting a variable in 00_configure.rb:
Note: This will most likely change since I'm not convinced by this approach.
And that's it! Well of course you have to setup Heroku, but that's another story documented here: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/quickstart
Tests are made with rspec2. There isn't enough tests yet, we are working on it.
Any pull request needs to have its set of tests to be accepted (except for themes). I know right, do what I say and not what I do... It'll get fixed, tests are coming, I promise.
You can use spork to run the test suite:
bundle exec spork
... to start the drb server and then:
bundle exec rspec spec --drb
ffocused runs on Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7, but the support for 1.8.7 will be soon dropped.
ffocused aims to be compatible with recent browsers, meaning Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE8+. Creators of new themes should take this into consideration.