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marcelosousa committed Jan 5, 2017
1 parent 5592d3a commit f22d33c
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Showing 9 changed files with 362 additions and 688 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions benchmarks/basic/ai/basic.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,22 @@
int x = 0;

void *p(void* arg){
x = x + 1;
int y = 1;

int main(){
/* references to the threads */
pthread_t p_t;
pthread_t q_t;
pthread_t p_t[2];

/* create the threads and execute */
pthread_create(&p_t, NULL, p, NULL);
pthread_create(&q_t, NULL, p, NULL);
pthread_create(&p_t[0], NULL, p, NULL);
pthread_create(&p_t[1], NULL, p, NULL);

/* wait for the threads to finish */
pthread_join(&p_t, NULL);
pthread_join(&q_t, NULL);
pthread_join(&p_t[1], NULL);
pthread_join(&p_t[0], NULL);

return 0;

77 changes: 34 additions & 43 deletions src/Domain/Action.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,52 +9,56 @@
module Domain.Action where

import Language.SimpleC.AST
import Domain.MemAddr
import Domain.Util
import Model.GCS

-- Default implementation of an
-- Action using read write sets
-- over the memory addresses
-- accessed.
data Act
data Act v
= Act
{ rds :: MemAddrs -- read
, wrs :: MemAddrs -- write
, locks :: MemAddrs -- locks
, unlocks :: MemAddrs -- unlocks
, tcreate :: MemAddrs -- phtread_create
, tjoin :: MemAddrs -- phtread_join
, texit :: MemAddrs -- phtread_exit
{ rds :: MemAddrs v -- read
, wrs :: MemAddrs v -- write
, locks :: MemAddrs v -- locks
, unlocks :: MemAddrs v -- unlocks
, tcreate :: MemAddrs v -- phtread_create
, tjoin :: MemAddrs v -- phtread_join
, texit :: MemAddrs v -- phtread_exit
deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show Act where
instance Show v => Show (Act v) where
show (Act r w l u c j e) =
"Act { r = " ++ show r ++ ", w = " ++ show w ++ ", lk = " ++ show l ++ ", ulk = " ++ show u ++ ", c = " ++ show c ++ ", j = " ++ show j ++ ", e = " ++ show e

bot_act :: Act
bot_act :: Act v
bot_act =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs

read_act :: SymId -> Scope -> Act
read_act sym scope = Act (MemAddrs [MemAddr sym scope]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs
read_act :: SymId -> v -> Scope -> Act v
read_act sym offset scope = Act (MemAddrs [MemAddr sym offset scope]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs

write_act :: SymId -> Scope -> Act
write_act sym scope = Act bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr sym scope]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs
write_act :: SymId -> v -> Scope -> Act v
write_act sym offset scope = Act bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr sym offset scope]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs

create_thread_act :: SymId -> Act
create_thread_act tid =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid Global]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs
write_act_addr :: MemAddrs v -> Act v
write_act_addr addr = Act bot_maddrs addr bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs

join_thread_act :: SymId -> Act
join_thread_act tid =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid Global]) bot_maddrs
create_thread_act :: SymId -> v -> Act v
create_thread_act tid offset =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid offset Global]) bot_maddrs bot_maddrs

exit_thread_act :: SymId -> Act
exit_thread_act tid =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid Global])
join_thread_act :: SymId -> v -> Act v
join_thread_act tid offset =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid offset Global]) bot_maddrs

exit_thread_act :: SymId -> v -> Act v
exit_thread_act tid offset =
Act bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs bot_maddrs (MemAddrs [MemAddr tid offset Global])

join_act :: Act -> Act -> Act
join_act :: Eq v => Act v -> Act v -> Act v
join_act a1 a2 =
let r = rds a1 `join_maddrs` rds a2
w = wrs a1 `join_maddrs` wrs a2
Expand All @@ -65,22 +69,12 @@ join_act a1 a2 =
e = texit a1 `join_maddrs` texit a2
in Act r w l u c j e

add_writes :: MemAddrs -> Act -> Act
add_writes :: Eq v => MemAddrs v -> Act v -> Act v
add_writes ws act@Act{..} =
let wrs' = ws `join_maddrs` wrs
in act { wrs = wrs' }

instance Show Act where
show act@Act{..} =
let rs = "reads: " ++ show rds
wrds = "writes: " ++ show wrs
lks = "locks: " ++ show locks
ulks = "unlocks: " ++ show unlocks
in rs++"\n"++wrds++"\n"++lks++"\n"++ulks

instance Action Act where
instance Eq v => Action (Act v) where
isBlocking act@Act{..} =
not (is_maddrs_bot locks && is_maddrs_bot unlocks)
isJoin act@Act{..} =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,14 +105,11 @@ instance Action Act where
isCreateOf tid_sym a1@Act{..} =
case tcreate of
MemAddrTop -> True
MemAddrs at -> any (\a -> a == MemAddr tid_sym Global) at

is_global :: MemAddrs -> Bool
is_global maddr = case maddr of
MemAddrTop -> True
MemAddrs l -> any (\a@MemAddr{..} -> level == Global) l
MemAddrs at -> any (\a -> case a of
MemAddr tid_sym _ Global -> True
_ -> False) at

act_addrs :: Act -> MemAddrs
act_addrs :: Eq v => Act v -> MemAddrs v
act_addrs a@Act{..} =
rds `join_maddrs` wrs `join_maddrs` locks `join_maddrs`
unlocks `join_maddrs` tcreate `join_maddrs` tjoin `join_maddrs` texit
43 changes: 24 additions & 19 deletions src/Domain/Interval/Collapse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- Module : Domain.Interval.Collapse
Expand All @@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ import Domain.Action
import Domain.Interval.Converter
import Domain.Interval.State
import Domain.Interval.Value
import Domain.Interval.API
import Domain.Util
import Language.SimpleC.AST
import Language.SimpleC.Converter (get_symbol_name)
Expand All @@ -26,12 +29,12 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Debug.Trace as T

type IntGraph = Graph SymId () (IntState,Act)
type IntGraphs = Graphs SymId () (IntState,Act)
type IntGraph = Graph SymId () (IntState,IntAct)
type IntGraphs = Graphs SymId () (IntState,IntAct)
type WItem = (NodeId,EdgeId,NodeId)
type Worklist = [WItem]
type ResultList = [(IntState,Pos,Act)]
type NodeTable = Map NodeId [(IntState,Act)]
type ResultList = [(IntState,Pos,IntAct)]
type NodeTable = Map NodeId [(IntState,IntAct)]

data FixState =
Expand All @@ -52,16 +55,17 @@ showResultList l = "Data Flow Information:\n" ++ (snd $ foldr (\(s,p,a) (n,r) ->
s_r = s_a ++ show s
in (n+1, s_r ++ r)) (1,"") l)

is_locked :: System IntState Act -> SExpression -> IntState -> Bool
is_locked syst expr st =
let lk_ident = get_expr_id expr
in case M.lookup lk_ident (heap st) of
Nothing -> error $ "is_locked fatal: cant find info for lock " ++ show lk_ident
Just (MCell _ val) -> case val of
IntVal [VInt i] -> i == 1
_ -> error $ "is_locked fatal: lock has unsupported values " ++ show val
is_locked :: IntState -> Scope -> SExpression -> Bool
is_locked st scope expr =
let lk_addrs = get_addrs st scope expr
in case read_memory st lk_addrs of
[] -> error $ "is_locked fatal: cant find info for lock " ++ show expr
[val] -> case val of
IntVal [VInt i] -> i == 1
_ -> error $ "is_locked fatal: lock has unsupported values " ++ show val
l -> error $ "is_locked fatal: lock has unsupported values " ++ show l

is_live :: TId -> System IntState Act -> EdgeId -> IntGraph -> IntState -> Bool
is_live :: TId -> System IntState IntAct -> EdgeId -> IntGraph -> IntState -> Bool
is_live tid syst eId cfg st =
let EdgeInfo tags code = get_edge_info cfg eId
in case code of
Expand All @@ -70,12 +74,13 @@ is_live tid syst eId cfg st =
"pthread_join" ->
let tid' = get_tid_expr (Local tid) st (args!!0)
in not $ is_enabled syst st tid'
"pthread_mutex_lock" -> not $ is_locked syst (args!!0) st
-- assume the mutex is declared globally
"pthread_mutex_lock" -> not $ is_locked st Global (args!!0)
_ -> True
_ -> True
_ -> True

instance Collapsible IntState Act where
instance Collapsible IntState IntAct where
is_enabled syst st tid =
let control = controlPart st
tid_cfg_sym = toThCFGSym st tid
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ up_pc i@IntTState{..} t p =
let st' = update_pc st t p
in i {st = st'}

handle_mark :: WItem -> FixOp (IntState,Pos,Act)
handle_mark :: WItem -> FixOp (IntState,Pos,IntAct)
handle_mark (pre,eId,post) = do
fs@FixState{..} <- get
let node_st = case get_node_info fs_cfg pre of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +162,7 @@ handle_mark (pre,eId,post) = do
case M.lookup post $ node_table cfg' of
Just [(res_st,res_act)] -> do
let rwlst = map (\(a,b) -> (post,a,b)) $ succs fs_cfg post
e_act = exit_thread_act $ SymId fs_tid
e_act = exit_thread_act (SymId fs_tid) zero
if (Exit `elem` edge_tags) || null rwlst
then return (res_st,post,res_act `join_act` e_act)
else return (res_st,post,res_act)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ worklist _wlist = mtrace ("worklist: " ++ show _wlist) $ do
let nwlist = if is_fix then wlist else (wlist ++ rwlst)
worklist nwlist

join_update :: NodeTable -> NodeId -> (IntState, Act) -> (Bool, NodeTable)
join_update :: NodeTable -> NodeId -> (IntState, IntAct) -> (Bool, NodeTable)
join_update node_table node (st,act) =
case M.lookup node node_table of
Nothing -> (False, M.insert node [(st,act)] node_table)
Expand All @@ -230,7 +235,7 @@ join_update node_table node (st,act) =
else (False, M.insert node [(nst,nact)] node_table)
_ -> error "join_update: more than one state in the list"

strong_update :: NodeTable -> NodeId -> (IntState,Act) -> (Bool, NodeTable)
strong_update :: NodeTable -> NodeId -> (IntState,IntAct) -> (Bool, NodeTable)
strong_update node_table node (st,act) =
case M.lookup node node_table of
Nothing -> (False, M.insert node [(st,act)] node_table)
Expand Down

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