Sets values on the CLS context for each request.
It means:
- You also have the ability to set values from Http Header directly in the plugin setup;
- Or set a context value at any moment in your request lifecycle
Make sure that you require the module the first time in yor index.js (or however your applicatioon entrypoint is named) to make sure that the context gets created correctly.
$ npm i hapi-request-context-2 --save
const hapiRequestContext = require('hapi-request-context-2');
// hapi plugin installation
register: hapiRequestContext,
options: {
mapHeaders: ['authorization'] // it will store 'authorization' in your context
// Also, if you want to set an id for each request
server.ext('onPreHandler', (request, reply) => {
hapiRequestContext.context().set('requestId', shortid.generate())
return reply.continue()
// Then whenever you want to recover it
Play with it!!!11! =)
I have copied this code from hapi-request-context package. I have applied few fixed to the code, since it seems the package is not mantained anymore and I needed it to work properly.
ps. I couldn't fork it because the original repo is placed on bitbucket =/.
- Replaced
package tocls-hooked
has some known issues with async/await requests where the data set with it gets lost and doesnt travel through the entire request proccess; - Better;
- Fixed all npm package vulnerabilities.
It was tested only with Hapi 16. If you would like to use it with other version, please open an issue or a PR (even better :p).