To create Angular Base Project for library developments
This shell script will execute several commands.
First it will ensure that the computer on which you are running the script has nvm installed. Also ensure that you have the required node version (20.11.1).
Note: The version is defined in a variable at the start of the shell script file: V_NODE
This script is going to ensure that the right version (17.3.3) of Angular is installed, if not it will install it.
Note: The version is defined in a variable at the start of the shell script file: V_ANGULAR_VERSION
It will create an Angular workspace.
ng new $V_PROJECT_NAME --create-application=false
Warning: To ensure a fresh setup the folder is totally deleted.
Note: the folder name is defined in a variable at the start of the shell script file: V_PROJECT_NAME
Within the workspace, it create one library and one showcase application (for library showcasing).
ng g library $library_name
ng g application $showcase_name --style=scss --ssr
This script will copy several initial files from the folder sources into the root of the workspace.
The files are:
It will also create an empty file into the workspace folder
This part of the script will install the package prettier into the workspace. This is added into the package.json
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It build and enforce a style guide for the code.
npm install --silent -D prettier
It will also create npm package runnable scripts:
- format:check:lib
- format:write:lib
- format:check:showcase
- format:write:showcase
- format:check:all
- format:write:all
Note: It is not a linter.
This part of the script will install the packages for linting the code into the workspace. This is added into the package.json
ng add @angular-eslint/schematics --skip-confirmation
It will also create npm package runnable scripts:
- format:lint:lib
- format:lint:showcase
- format:lint
It will also copy an initial eslintrc configuration file at the root of the workspace.
This part of the script will install the package doctoc into the workspace. This is added into the package.json
npm install --silent -D doctoc
This package henerates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites.
This will be used to maintain the TOC of the project
It will also create npm package runnable scripts:
- documentation:toc
- postbuild:lib
The later will ensure that the located into the workspace is copied over the of the library project.
This will avoid out sync file and allows to maintain one for the whole project.
This part of the script will install the package all-contributors-cli into the workspace. This is added into the package.json
npm install --silent -D all-contributors-cli
When you have contributor to your code, it is a correct behaviour to refers to them and shout out about their contribution.
This package allows to maitain their list and integrate it into the
It will also create npm package runnable scripts:
- contributors:add
- all-contributors generate
It will also copy an initial all-contributorsrc configuration file at the root of the workspace.
The Husky package enhances your commits. It is deeply linked to GIT's hooks
...Git has a way to fire off custom scripts when certain important actions occur...
This part of the script install 3 packages into the workspace. They are added into the package.json
npm install --silent -D husky
npm install --silent -D pretty-quick
npm install --silent -D @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
It will also create npm package runnable scripts:
- husky:init
- husky:prepare
- pretty-quick
- commitlint
It will also setup the husky configuration links to the git hooks. More precisely, it will prepare two hooks:
- pre-commit which will execute commitlint (which allow your team to add more semantic meaning to your git history)
- commit-msg which will execute pretty-quick (which runs Prettier on your changed files)
Copy initial CI/CD github actions configuration files at the root of the workspace:
- branch.yml
- release.yml
The branch.yml action file will be triggered when pushing to any branches of your repository except of the main branch. It is replaced to CI.
It will execute the following action:
- Checkout
- Setup Node
- Install dependencies
- Lint
- Test
- Coverage
- Build
The release.yml action file will be triggered on the push on the main branch. It will execute the same action as the branch.yml actions and additional step for the release.
It will execute the following action:
- Checkout
- Setup Node
- Install dependencies
- Lint
- Test
- Coverage
- Build
- Release
Note: The release action will also publish the library NPMJS !!!
Do not forget that you will have to adapt the script for your purpose
You will need Github token and secret on your repository for the actions (branch and release)
You will need a token for publishing on NPM to be used in the GitHub actions (release)
You will need a account on linked to your Github repository