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Provides header-only, generic C++ interfaces for geometry types, geometry collections, and features.

  • maplibre::geometry::point
  • maplibre::geometry::multi_point
  • maplibre::geometry::line_string
  • maplibre::geometry::multi_line_string
  • maplibre::geometry::polygon
  • maplibre::geometry::multi_polygon
  • maplibre::geometry::geometry_collection
  • maplibre::feature::feature

Dependency of MapLibre Native.


These types are designed to be easy to parse and serialize to GeoJSON.

They should also be a robust and high performance container for data processing and conversion.


  • Header-only
  • Fast compile
  • C++20
  • No external dependencies for usage of core types (point, line_string, etc)
  • No dependencies for usage of enclosing geometry type
  • Easily adaptable to boost::geometry


Using a single type directly:

#include <maplibre/geometry/point.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using maplibre::geometry::point;

int main() {
    point<double> pt(1.0,0.0);
    std::clog << "x: " << pt.x << " y: " << pt.y << "\n";

Creating a geometry collection:

#include <maplibre/geometry/geometry.hpp>
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>

using maplibre::geometry::geometry_collection;
using maplibre::geometry::geometry;
using maplibre::geometry::point;

using point_type = point<double>;

struct printer
    printer() {}

    void operator()(point_type const& pt) const
        std::clog << "x: " << pt.x << " y: " << pt.y << "\n";

    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T const& g) const
        std::clog << "encountered non-point geometry\n";

int main() {
    geometry_collection<double> gc;
    geometry<double> const& geom =;
    printer visitor;
    std::visit(visitor, geom);