🧮Working of the Model :
Developed a Smart Attendance System for online as well as offline system.
It basically generate a smart and unique id for each students and these id
will be scannned byr the scanner before the entry of class aand after that the
facce recognition portal scan and capture the image and match with the databse
if the student is authorized it will make him enter the class and mark present or
vice versa.
For the offline system we are having RFID Scanners to scan the ID and check the
authorizd user.
Even it can keep the track of students where they are actually in campus and all.
🛠Technologies and Language Used:
> Python
> C/C++
> OpenCV
> Arduino
> MongoDB
📎 Links:
> Docs Link : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L_j9oZOfPxcwdJ_UrszosksJJergPhBWWTkZ2wfh1xE/edit?usp=sharing
> Video Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d9v643IctX16EITXF2wf2a2YPyL42FzT/view?usp=sharing
> Github Link : https://github.com/manumishra12/Smart_Attendance_System_Slash_Coders
👨🏻💻 Team Members:
> Manu Mishra
> Tavishi Rastogi
> Kruthik Ballari
> Christo Joby Antony