This is a utility project which generates Mitsuba compatible 3D scene file along with 3D objects of buildings, Ground and Roads using Openstreetmap data. Files generated using OSM_to_Sionna can be directly used as input to Sionna Ray tracing applications.
It performs following tasks ...
- Presents an interactive map to let user select an area of interst.
- Creates ground, roads and buildings by fetching geo data from openstreetmap using Osmnx library.
- Creates triangulated 3D mesh objects for ground, roads and buildings using PyVista and Open3D libraries
- Finally it creates a Mitsuba 3 format XML scene file by adding materials, colors, light source, Camera etc.
ipyleaflet, IPython.display, ipyvolume.pylab, pyproj, shapely, shapely, math, pyvista, numpy, osmnx, Transformer, open3d, xml.etree.ElementTree, xml.dom.minidom