Working on improving the code coverage...
A service to run code snippets and get output
- Ubuntu 14.04
- RabbitMQ server
- MongoDB server
- Java 7
- GCC for compiling input C programs
- nodejs for running javascript programs
- Docker for running the containers
Build the endpoint and consumer JAR files, create docker images out of it, build the RMQ and MongoDB images, and start the containers with appropriate input parameters automatically. NO_OF_INSTANCES_OF_CONSUMER number of consumer containers will be started.
Goto the Frontend project and edit the src/js/configuration.js file. Change the "serverHost" and "serverPort" property to point to the Endpoint properties.
Goto the root of Frontend project and run the following
gulp minify
Deploy the contents of the "public" folder on a webserver.
For running the Endpoint service
java -jar Endpoint/build/libs/endpoint.jar -mongodatabase DATABASE_NAME -mongohost DATABASE_ADDRESS -rmqhost RMQ_ADDRESS
For running the Compiler service
java -jar DockerConsumerCompiler/build/libs/dockerconsumercompiler.jar -mongodatabase DATABASE_NAME -mongohost DATABASE_ADDRESS -rmqhost RMQ_ADDRESS
POST | :8080/codecompiler/submit |
Parameter | Description |
program | The program to be compiled and run. |
input | The input that will be fed to the program STDIN. |
timeout | Number of seconds the program can run before it is killed off. |
language | The language of submitted program. |
Returns Queue ID of the submitted program. This ID can be used for future reference to check the program status. |
"data": {
"queueId": 1107894191825737787218556533052298445977
"timestamp": 1465762230
GET | :8080/codecompiler/status |
Parameter | Description |
queueId | The Queue ID of the submitted program to be checked. |
Returns the status of the submitted program, result, and error if any. |
"data": {
"errorMessage": null,
"output": "34\n5\n21",
"programStatus": 6,
"submittedDate": 1465760000
"timestamp": 1465762230
Attribute | Description |
errorMessage | A human readable error message encountered if any, during the compilation or execution phase. |
output | Output of the submitted program if it runs successfully. |
programStatus | One of the seven integers as defined below. |
submittedDate | The time at which the program was submitted. |
programStatus value | programStatus Description |
0 | No such program found in queue. |
1 | Program in queue for compilation. |
2 | Program is getting processed. |
3 | Program compilation error. |
4 | Program timed out while running. |
5 | Program crashed/returned non zero exit value. |
6 | Program completed running successfully. |
- NodeJS
- Mocha
- Endpoint and the Consumer services should be running on local machine
cd SystemTest
npm install
mocha app.js