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docs(general): Split readme into readme/setup, and revert makefile ch…
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rameshvs committed Mar 8, 2021
1 parent 9a80997 commit 92ea8d8
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Showing 3 changed files with 180 additions and 182 deletions.
72 changes: 38 additions & 34 deletions {{ cookiecutter.project_name }}/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,78 +10,82 @@ VERSION_FILE:=VERSION
TAG:=$(shell cat ${VERSION_FILE})

# takes advantage of the makefile structure (command; ## documentation)
# to generate help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

git-tag: ## Tag in git, then push tag up to origin
git tag $(TAG)
git push origin $(TAG)

## Test lint compliance using black. Config in pyproject.toml file
ci-black: dev-start

ci-black: dev-start ## Test lint compliance using black. Config in pyproject.toml file
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) black --check $(PROJ_DIR)

## Test lint compliance using flake8. Config in tox.ini file
ci-flake8: dev-start

ci-flake8: dev-start ## Test lint compliance using flake8. Config in tox.ini file
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) flake8 $(PROJ_DIR)

## Runs unit tests using pytest
ci-test: dev-start

ci-test: dev-start ## Runs unit tests using pytest
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) pytest $(PROJ_DIR)

## Runs unit tests, with an interactive IPDB session at the first failure
ci-test-interactive: dev-start

ci-test-interactive: dev-start ## Runs unit tests with interactive IPDB session at the first failure
docker exec -it $(CONTAINER_NAME) pytest $(PROJ_DIR) -x --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:Pdb

## Runs mypy type checker
ci-mypy: dev-start

ci-mypy: dev-start ## Runs mypy type checker
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) mypy --ignore-missing-imports --show-error-codes $(PROJ_DIR)

## Check black, flake8, and run unit tests
ci: ci-black ci-flake8 ci-test ci-mypy

ci: ci-black ci-flake8 ci-test ci-mypy ## Check black, flake8, and run unit tests
@echo "CI successful"

## Runs isort to sorts imports
isort: dev-start

isort: dev-start ## Runs isort to sorts imports
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) isort -rc $(PROJ_DIR) --profile black

## Runs black auto-linter
black: dev-start

black: dev-start ## Runs black auto-linter
docker exec -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) black $(PROJ_DIR)

## Formats repo; runs black and isort on all files
format: isort black

format: isort black ## Formats repo by running black and isort on all files
@echo "Formatting complete"

## Deprecated. Here to support old workflow
lint: format

## Primary make command for devs, spins up containers
lint: format ## Deprecated. Here to support old workflow

dev-start: ## Primary make command for devs, spins up containers
docker-compose -f $(COMPOSE_FILE) --project-name $(PROJECT) up -d --no-recreate

## Spin down active containers

dev-stop: ## Spin down active containers
docker-compose -f $(COMPOSE_FILE) --project-name $(PROJECT) down

## Rebuild images for dev containers (useful when Dockerfile/requirements are updated)

# Useful when Dockerfile/requirements are updated)
dev-rebuild: ## Rebuild images for dev containers
docker-compose -f $(COMPOSE_FILE) --project-name $(PROJECT) up -d --build

## Exec into docker bash terminal
bash: dev-start

bash: dev-start ## Provides an interactive bash shell in the container
docker exec -it $(CONTAINER_NAME) bash

## Build docs using Sphinx and copy to docs folder (this makes it easy to publish to gh-pages)

# makes it easy to publish to gh-pages
docs: ## Build docs using Sphinx and copy to docs folder
docker exec -e GRANT_SUDO=yes $(CONTAINER_NAME) bash -c "cd docsrc; make html"
@cp -a docsrc/_build/html/. docs

## Provides an interactive ipython prompt

ipython: ## Provides an interactive ipython prompt
docker exec -it $(CONTAINER_NAME) ipython

## Clean out temp/compiled python files

clean: ## Clean out temp/compiled python files
find . -name __pycache__ -delete
find . -name "*.pyc" -delete

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