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Maintainer Stable Release

Sheep edited this page Dec 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

6.1.7 is used to describe the stable branche at the time of writing this guide

<Note: 6.1.7> Curently, nightly has changes that is only for nightly : it requires a new stable client. Therefore we cannot just create a MergeRequest(PR) from master to stable and we need to cherry-pick only some changes.

  1. Identify the commits you want to cherry-pick Usually it's only the last commits since previous release

    Go to the branch 6.1.7

    Find the latest PR and check it's commits

    At the bottom you will find the latest commit name (also remember the date of the PR)

    Go to the master commits and find it by name (arround the previous PR date)

    You probably want to cherry-pick all comits after that one : copy it's hash somewhere

  2. create a local branch from 6.1.7 e.g. named **merge202212 ** (date for unique name)

  3. switch to the new branch merge

  4. cherry pick all changesets you want to integrate from master into 6.1.7

    One by one or using a range

    git cherry-pick 512058c32b16ddee42c1321ebd157a8c3b7b6a41..master

    description : "pick all changes starting -that hash- (excluding) up to the latest commit of master"

  5. when done push the merge202212 branch

  6. create a PR for merge => 6.1.7

  7. make sure the target branch is set to 6.1.7 when making the PR, because it defaults to master

The release PR reviewer should check that the cherry-picked commits are the good ones (checking the oldest & latest)

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