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Stubbornium NuGet

Stubbornium is a .NET wrapper for Selenium API that enables you to write robust and stable test for complex sites.

Do your test runs randomly fail because some element was missing? Do you have Thread.Sleep call in your tests? Do you insert code for waiting for ajax completion in hope it will make test more stable?

Stubbornium will give you a clean and simple interface for writing tests without worrying about all those aspects.


You can install the package from NuGet:

Install-Package Stubbornium


Stubbornium implmentes following principles and hides them behind it's API:

  • Each interaction with page should define expected result (i.e. "After I click the button a popup appears").
  • After the interaction, test should automatically wait for expected result.
  • If interaction fails, it should be repeated.
  • If expected condition is not met, interaction should be repeated.
  • Test should fail if repeating several times didn't help.

Basic usage

After you initialize IWebDriver instance, you can wrap it with Stubbornium:

var browser = new StubbornBrowser(WebDriver);

To find an element, use Find property:


There's a notable difference between finding element with stubboriun and selenium. Selenium evaluates element immiediatly, where Stubboriun only saves the search pattern and will evaluate it when performing actions on the element (Click, Assert etc)


Assert method is used to check if element is in desired state. If it's not, or if even it doesn't exist Stubboriun will reevaluate the assertion for several seconds before throwing exception.

Example: verifying element's content:

    .Assert(element => element().Text == "Test", "H1 contains \"Test\"");

Notice that parameter element in lambda is not the actual selenium IWebElement but a Func<IWebElement> that let you evaluate the element by calling it. Stubbornium will not evaluate the Element until this function is called.

There's a shorthand method for asserting text:



When performing any action on the element, Stubbornium requires to define what should happen after the action. This information is used to call Selenium wait but also to reiterate if the condition is not met. Similiary to assertions, Stubbornium tries to perform the failing action several times before throwing an exception.

Example: clicking an element (i.e. to change it's content):

    .Click(_ => browser.FindElement(By.TagName("h1")).Text == "Hello");

Again there's a shorthand version that does exactly the same thing:

    .ClickToAppear(By.TagName("h1"), e => e.Text == "Hello");

ClickToAppear returns the WebElement that is expected to appear. This makes it possible to chain the calls. One of the most commonly used scenario is closing popups. In this example first the change-title is clicked and then the reset-title is clicked:


Setting input values

SetText can be used to manipulate inputs. Like in all cases, the Stubbornium verifies that the text was indeed set as expected:

    .SetText("Better title");

Hooking to actions

Global static StubbornConfiguration.Default can be used to set various settings used thoughout the library. For example, Stubbornium gives an option to run code before every action (Click, Assert etc).

To wait for loading element to dissapear before executing action:

StubbornConfiguration.Default.BeforeDoActions.Add(driver =>
    var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

There are some predefined actions. The shorthand for above code is:


To wait for jQuery AJAX calls to complete you can use:


Working samples

You can find above and additional examples in the Stubbornium.Sample project in Stubbornium repository.

Log output

Stubbornium creates a detailed log of performed actions. To enable logging, you must configure logger:

StubbornConfiguration.Default.Log = new ConsoleLogger();

Now when running tests Stubbornium will output information about each step, i.e:

Assert - By.TagName: h1 - Has text "Test"
SetText - By.Id: new-title - "Better title"
Click - By.Id: change-title
Assert - By.TagName: h1 - Has text "Better title"

Building from sources

To build Stubbornium use build.cmd.

To show all possible targets:


To build project:

build.cmd Build

Optionally, you can support Configuration parameter:

build.cmd Build Configuration=Debug


Stubborn Selenium







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