Command line interface to StackTach (
set STACKTACH_URL to point to your StackTach web server.
pip install -r pip_requires.txt
$ ./
Usage: stacky <command>
deployments - list stacktach deployments
events - list of unique event names
watch - watch <deployment id> <service-name> <event-name> <polling sec>
deployment id :let this option be "all" if you want to watch all
deployments or just a specific deployment-id
service-name : name of whichever service you want to poll,
i.e nova, glance or generic
event-name : = If not given a specific event, it will keep a
watch on all events.
polling : 2s default or can be specified as number of seconds
show - 'show <service-name> <event-id>'
service-name :name of whichever service you want to poll,
i.e nova, glance or generic, default will be nova
uuid - inspect events with uuid xxxxx
summary - show summarized timings for all events
timings - show timings for <event-name> (no .start/.end)
request - show events with <request id>
reports - list all reports created from <start> to <end>
Default is today.
All times 24-hr UTC in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.
Example: stacky reports 2013-02-28 00:00 2013-02-28 06:00
will return all reports created from midnight to 6am
on Feb 28th.
report - get report <id>
kpi - crunch KPIs
hosts - list all host names
search - 'search <service-name> <field> <value>'
search for rawdata events belonging to any service - nova, glance
or generic according to any field and its value.
NOTE: kpi and watch commands are currently disabled. Will be fixed soon.
$ python events
| Event Name |
| compute.instance.create.end |
| compute.instance.create.start |
| compute.instance.delete.end |
| compute.instance.delete.start |
| compute.instance.exists |
| compute.instance.finish_resize.start |
| compute.instance.reboot.end |
| compute.instance.reboot.start |
| compute.instance.rebuild.end |
| compute.instance.rebuild.start |
| compute.instance.resize.confirm.end |
| compute.instance.resize.confirm.start |
| compute.instance.resize.end |
| compute.instance.resize.prep.end |
| compute.instance.resize.prep.start |
| compute.instance.resize.start |
| compute.instance.shutdown.end |
| compute.instance.shutdown.start |
| compute.instance.snapshot.start |
| compute.instance.update |
| scheduler.run_instance.end |
| scheduler.run_instance.scheduled |
| scheduler.run_instance.start |
$ python uuid bafe36de-aba8-46e8-9fe7-15b490e4cc01
Events related to bafe36de-aba8-46e8-9fe7-15b490e4cc01
| # | ? | When | Deployment | Event | Host | State | State' | Task' |
| 16373586 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:50.345266 | cellA | compute.instance.update | | building | None | None |
| 16373589 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:54.211449 | cellB | scheduler.run_instance.scheduled | | | | |
| 16373603 | | 2013-04-09 14:32:11.773272 | cellB | compute.instance.update | computehostA | building | building | scheduling |
... (and so on)
Take an event id from the above example and show its details:
$ python show nova 16373586
| Key | Value |
| # | 16373586 |
| When | 2013-04-09 14:31:50.345266 |
| Deployment | cellA |
| Category | |
| Publisher | |
| State | building |
| Event | compute.instance.update |
| Service | api |
| Host | |
| UUID | bafe36de-aba8-46e8-9fe7-15b490e4cc01 |
| Req ID | req-5539174d-0cd9-40d9-a7d5-5aa883c20033 |
... (and so on)
Take the request id from above and get all the associated events:
$ python request req-5539174d-0cd9-40d9-a7d5-5aa883c20033
| # | ? | When | Deployment | Event | Host | State | State' | Task' |
| 16373586 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:50.345266 | cellA | compute.instance.update | | building | None | None |
| 16373587 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:51.196901 | cellB | scheduler.run_instance.start | | | | |
| 16373589 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:54.211449 | cellB | scheduler.run_instance.scheduled | | | | |
| 16373592 | | 2013-04-09 14:31:57.497054 | cellB | scheduler.run_instance.end | | | | |
| 16373603 | | 2013-04-09 14:32:11.773272 | cellB | compute.instance.update | computehostA | building | building | scheduling |
... (and so on)