Implementation of a SSL client and server in C using the BIO library and Public-key Cryptography.
- Mohamed Ameen Omar (u16055323)
- Llewellyn Moyse (u15100708)
- Douglas Healy (u16018100)
- Open the terminal.
- Navigate to the server root directory.
- Ensure that the certificate files are in the root directory of the server (or sub-directory of the server).
- Run the command make server.
- The server program will be compiled and the executable will be called "serverMain".
- Run the server using the default parameters using the command ./serverMain
- Enter the PEM password (the default certificate and key password is: 'password')
- The server will now be active and running.
- To automatically compile and run the server with default parameters, run the command make run-server
- to view the server help menu run: ./serverMain -h
- to specify a port use the -p flag followed by the port on which you would like the server to listen. (example ./serverMain -p 3559).
- If no hostname is specified with the port (-p hostname:port), the server by default listens on all available interfaces for an incoming connection.
- the user is able to change the certificate and key files for the server as well. Please view the server help menu for further details.
- The mime-types.tsv file in the server root directory is used to determine the mime-type to specify in the server response header. If this file is not in the root directory or the mime-type for a file is not in this file, the secure server will default to the "application/octet-stream" mime-type being specified and as such, will not notify the client what type of file is being sent.
- The secure server adheres to the HTTP 1.1 standard and only caters for GET requests from a client. Additional functionality was not required.
- Open the terminal.
- Navigate to the client root directory.
- Run the command make all.
- The client program will be compiled and the resulting executable will be called "client".
- Run the client providing the -u command-line argument which should specify a path to a file on the server (eg. [host]:[port]/[filename].[extension]).
- An optional -n command-line argument can be defined which will specify how many instances of the client should be spawned.
- The client will now run and the file that was specified will attempt to download.
- A path to an existing file on an external web-server is defined within the makefile and can be run using the 'make run' command.
- Issuing the command "./client --help" or "./client -h" will print a help menu and provide insight on the accepted command line arguments.
- Install all the server certificates in the web browser to be used (e.g Firefox).
- To do this, Go to the Certificate Manager in Firefox
- Click on Tools->Options->Advanced,
- Click on the Encryption Tab and click on View Certificates,
- Click on the Authorities tab and click Import, then
- Select your created certificate and provide the necessary permissions.
- Ensure that the server is running.
- Navigate to the SSL server page in the browser: https://hostname:port (example: https://localhost:40001/)
- The homepage will load.
- Click on the links provided.
- Navigate to unlisted files to download files that are not added by default (example: https://localhost:40001/resources/sample.mp3)
- If the certificate files are not installed before accessing the server webpage, the page will appear as "untrusted", add as an exception, and continue to the server homepage.
- OpenSSL documentation:
- Generating certificates: