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A Python package for extracting information from large and high-dimensional mixed-type data through explainable cluster analysis.

clust-learn visualizations

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overall architecture
  3. Implementation
  4. Installation
  5. Version and license information
  6. Bug reports and future work
  7. User guide & API
    1. Data processing
      1. Data imputation
      2. Outliers
    2. Dimensionality reduction
    3. Clustering
    4. Classifier
  8. Citing

1. Introduction

clust-learn enables users to run end-to-end explainable cluster analysis to extract information from large and high-dimensional mixed-type data, and it does so by providing a framework that guides the user through data preprocessing, dimensionality reduction, clustering, and classification of the obtained clusters. It is designed to require very few lines of code, and with a strong focus on explainability.

2. Overall architecture

clust-learn is organized into four modules, one for each component of the methodological framework presented here:

Figue 1 shows the package layout with the functionalities covered by each module along with the techniques used, the explainability strategies available, and the main functions and class methods encapsulating these techniques and explainability strategies.

clust-learn package structure

3. Implementation

The package is implemented with Python 3.9 using open source libraries. It relies heavily on pandas and scikit-learn. Read the complete list of requirements here.

It can be installed manually or from pip/PyPI (see Section 4. Installation).

4. Installation

The package is on PyPI. Simply run:

pip install clust-learn

5. Version and license information

6. Bug reports and future work

Please report bugs and feature requests through creating a new issue here.

7. User guide & API

clust-learn is organized into four modules:

  1. Data preprocessing
  2. Dimensionality reduction
  3. Clustering
  4. Classifier

Figue 1 shows the package layout with the functionalities covered by each module along with the techniques used, the explainability strategies available, and the main functions and class methods encapsulating these techniques and explainability strategies.

The four modules are designed to be used sequentially to ensure robust and explainable results. However, each of them is independent and can be used separately to suit different use cases.

7.i. Data preprocessing

Data preprocessing consists of a set of manipulation and transformation tasks performed on the raw data before it is used for its analysis. Although data quality is essential for obtaining robust and reliable results, real-world data is often incomplete, noisy, or inconsistent. Therefore, data preprocessing is a crucial step in any analytical study.

7.i.a. Data imputation


compute_missing(df, normalize=True)

Calculates the pct/count of missing values per column.


  • df : pandas.DataFrame
  • normalize : boolean, default=True


  • missing_df : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame with the pct/counts of missing values per column.


missing_values_heatmap(df, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots a heatmap to visualize missing values (light color).


  • df : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame containing the data.
  • output_path : str, default=None
    • Path to save figure as image.
  • savefig_kws : dict, default=None
    • Save figure options.


impute_missing_values(df, num_vars, cat_vars, num_pair_kws=None, mixed_pair_kws=None, cat_pair_kws=None, graph_thres=0.05, k=8, max_missing_thres=0.33)

This function imputes missing values following this steps:

  1. One-to-one model based imputation for strongly related variables.
  2. Cluster based hot deck imputation where clusters are obtained as the connected components of an undirected graph G=(V,E), where V is the set of variables and E the pairs of variables with mutual information above a predefined threshold.
  3. Records with a proportion of missing values above a predefined threshold are discarded to ensure the quality of the hot deck imputation.
  4. Hot deck imputation for the remaining missing values considering all variables together.


  • df : pandas.DataFrame
    • Data frame containing the data with potential missing values.
  • num_vars : str, list, pandas.Series, or numpy.array
    • Numerical variable name(s).
  • cat_vars : str, list, pandas.Series, or numpy.array
    • Categorical variable name(s).
  • {num,mixed,cat}_pair_kws : dict, default=None
    • Additional keyword arguments to pass to compute imputation pairs for one-to-one model based imputation, namely:
      • For numerical pairs, corr_thres and method for setting the correlation coefficient threshold and method. By default, corr_thres=0.7 and method='pearson'.
      • For mixed-type pairs, np2_thres for setting the a threshold on partial eta square with 0.14 as default value.
      • For categorical pairs, mi_thres for setting a threshold on mutual information score. By default, mi_thres=0.6.
  • graph_thres : float, default=0.05
    • Threshold to determine if two variables are similar based on mutual information score, and therefore are an edge of the graph from which variable clusters are derived.
  • k : int, default=8
    • Number of neighbors to consider in hot deck imputation.
  • max_missing_thres: float, default=0.33
    • Maximum proportion of missing values per observation allowed before final general hot deck imputation - see step 3 of the missing value imputation methodology in section 2.1.


  • final_pairs : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame with pairs of highly correlated variables (var1: variable with values to impute; var2: variable to be used as independent variable for model-based imputation), together proportion of missing values of variables var1 and var2.


plot_imputation_distribution_assessment(df_prior, df_posterior, imputed_vars, sample_frac=1.0, prior_kws=None, posterior_kws=None, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots a distribution comparison of each variable with imputed variables, before and after imputation.


  • df_prior : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame containing the data before imputation.
  • df_posterior : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame containing the data after imputation.
  • imputed_vars : list
    • List of variables with imputed variables.
  • sample_frac : float, default=1.0
    • If < 1 a random sample of every pair of variables will be plotted.
  • {prior,posterior}_kws : dict, default=None
    • Additional keyword arguments to pass to the kdeplot.
  • output_path : str, default=None
    • Path to save figure as image.
  • savefig_kws : dict, default=None
    • Save figure options.

7.i.b. Outliers


remove_outliers(df, variables, iforest_kws=None)

Removes outliers using the Isolation Forest algorithm.


  • df : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame containing the data.
  • variables : list
    • Variables with potential outliers.
  • iforest_kws : dict, default=None
    • IsolationForest algorithm hyperparameters.


  • df_inliers : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame with inliers (i.e. observations that are not outliers).
  • df_outliers : pandas.DataFrame
    • DataFrame with outliers.

7.ii. Dimensionality reduction

All the functionality of this module is encapsulated in the DimensionalityReduction class so that the original data, the instances of the models used, and any other relevant information is self-maintained and always accessible.

DimensionalityReduction class

dr = DimensionalityReduction(df, num_vars=None, cat_vars=None, num_algorithm='pca', cat_algorithm='mca', num_kwargs=None, cat_kwargs=None)
Parameter Type Description
df pandas.DataFrame Data table containing the data with the original variables
num_vars string, list, pandas.Series, or numpy.array Numerical variable name(s)
cat_vars string, list, pandas.Series, or numpy.array Categorical variable name(s)
num_algorithm string Algorithm to be used for dimensionality reduction of numerical variables. By default, PCA is used. The current version also supports SPCA
cat_algorithm string Algorithm to be used for dimensionality reduction of categorical variables. By default, MCA is used. The current version doesn’t support other algorithms
num_kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model used for numerical variables
cat_kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model used for categorical variables
Attribute Type Description
n_components_ int Final number of extracted components
min_explained_variance_ratio_ float Minimum explained variance ratio. By default, 0.5
num_trans_ pandas.DataFrame Extracted components from numerical variables
cat_trans_ pandas.DataFrame Extracted components from categorical variables
num_components_ list List of names assigned to the extracted components from numerical variables
cat_components_ list List of names assigned to the extracted components from categorical variables
pca_ sklearn.decomposition.PCA PCA instance used to speed up some computations and for comparison purposes




transform(self, n_components=None, min_explained_variance_ratio=0.5)

Transforms a DataFrame df to a lower dimensional space.



num_main_contributors(self, thres=0.5, n_contributors=None, dim_idx=None, component_description=None, col_description=None, output_path=None)

Computes the original numerical variables with the strongest relation to the derived variable(s) (measured as Pearson correlation coefficient).



cat_main_contributors(self, thres=0.14, n_contributors=None, dim_idx=None, component_description=None, col_description=None, output_path=None)

Computes the original categorical variables with the strongest relation to the derived variable(s)(measured as correlation ratio).



cat_main_contributors_stats(self, thres=0.14, n_contributors=None, dim_idx=None, output_path=None)

Computes for every categorical variable's value, the mean and std of the derived variables that are strongly related to the categorical variable (based on the correlation ratio)).



plot_num_explained_variance(self, thres=0.5, plots='all', output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plot the explained variance (ratio, cumulative, and/or normalized) for numerical variables.



plot_cat_explained_variance(self, thres=0.5, plots='all', output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plot the explained variance (ratio, cumulative, and/or normalized) for categorical variables.



plot_num_main_contributors(self, thres=0.5, n_contributors=5, dim_idx=None, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plot main contributors (original variables with the strongest relation with derived variables) for every derived variable.



plot_cat_main_contributor_distribution(self, thres=0.14, n_contributors=None, dim_idx=None, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plot main contributors (original variables with the strongest relation with derived variables) for every derived variable.

7.iii. Clustering

The Clustering class encapsulates all the functionality of this module and stores the data, the instances of the algorithms used, and other relevant information so it is always accessible.

Clustering class

cl = Clustering(df, algorithms='kmeans', normalize=False)
Parameter Type Description
df pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the data to be clustered
algorithms instance or list of instances Algorithm instances to be used for clustering. They must implement the fit and set_params methods
normalize bool Whether to apply data normalization for fair comparisons between variables. In case dimensionality reduction is applied beforehand, normalization should not be applied
Attribute Type Description
dimensions_ list List of columns of they input data frame
instances_ dict Pairs of algorithm name and its instance
metric_ string The cluster validation metric used. Four metrics available: ['inertia', 'davies_bouldin_score', 'silhouette_score', 'calinski_harabasz_score']
optimal_config_ tuple Tuple with the optimal configuration for clustering containing the algorithm name, number of clusters, and value of the chosen validation metric
scores_ dict Pairs of algorithm name and a list of values of the chosen validation metric for a cluster range




compute_clusters(self, n_clusters=None, metric='inertia', max_clusters=10, prefix=None, weights=None)

Calculates clusters. If more than one algorithm is passed in the class constructor, first, the optimal number of clusters is computed for each algorithm based on the metric passed to the method. Secondly, the algorithm that provides the best performance for the corresponding optimal number of clusters is selected. Therefore, the result shows the clusters calculated with the best performing algorithm based on the criteria explained above.



describe_clusters(self, df_ext=None, variables=None, cluster_filter=None, statistics=['mean', 'median', 'std'], output_path=None)

Describes clusters based on internal or external continuous variables. For categorical variables use describe_clusters_cat().



describe_clusters_cat(self, cat_array, cat_name, order=None, normalize=False, use_weights=False, output_path=None)

Describes clusters based on external categorical variables. The result is a contingency table. For continuous variables use describe_clusters().



compare_cluster_means_to_global_means(self, df_original=None, output_path=None)

For every cluster and every internal variable, the relative difference between the intra-cluster mean and the global mean.



anova_tests(self, df_test=None, vars_test=None, cluster_filter=None, output_path=None)

Runs ANOVA tests for a given set of continuous variables (internal or external) to test dependency with clusters.



chi2_test(self, cat_array)

Runs Chi-squared tests for a given categorical variable to test dependency with clusters.



plot_score_comparison(self, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots the comparison in performance between the different clustering algorithms.



plot_optimal_components_normalized(self, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots the normalized curve used for computing the optimal number of clusters.



plot_clustercount(self, use_weights=False, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots a bar plot with cluster counts.



plot_cluster_means_to_global_means_comparison(self, use_weights= False, df_original=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
                                              levels=[-0.50, -0.32, -0.17, -0.05, 0.05, 0.17, 0.32, 0.50],
                                              output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots the normalized curve used for computing the optimal number of clusters.



plot_distribution_comparison_by_cluster(self, df_ext=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots the violin plots per cluster and continuous variables of interest to understand differences in their distributions by cluster.



plot_clusters_2D(self, coor1, coor2, use_weights=False, style_kwargs=dict(), output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots two 2D plots: - A scatter plot styled by the categorical variable hue. - A 2D plot comparing cluster centroids and optionally the density area.



plot_cat_distribution_by_cluster(self, cat_array, cat_label, order=None, cluster_label=None, use_weights=False, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots the relative contingency table of the clusters with a categorical variable as a stacked bar plot.

7.iv. Classifier

The functionality of this module is encapsulated in the Classifier class, which is also responsible for storing the original data, the instances of the models used, and any other relevant information.

Classifier class

classifier = Classifier(df, predictor_cols, target, num_cols=None, cat_cols=None)
Parameter Type Description
df pandas.DataFrame Data frame containing the data
predictor_cols list of string List of columns to use as predictors
target numpy.array or list Values of the target variable
num_cols list List of numerical columns from predictor_cols
cat_cols list List of categorical columns from predictor_cols
Attribute Type Description
filtered_features_ list List of columns of the input data frame
labels_ list List of class labels
model_ Instance of TransformerMixin and BaseEstimator from sklearn.base Trained classifier
X_train_ numpy.array Train split of predictors
X_test_ numpy.array Test split of predictors
y_train_ numpy.array Train split of target
y_test_ numpy.array Test split of target
grid_result_ sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Instance of fitted estimator for hyperparameter tuning




train_model(self, model=None, feature_selection=True, features_to_keep=[],
			feature_selection_model=None, hyperparameter_tuning=False, param_grid=None,
			train_size=0.8, balance_classes=False)

This method trains a classification model.

By default, it uses XGBoost, but any other estimator (instance of scikit-learn.Estimator) can be used.

The building process consists of three main steps:

  • Feature Selection (optional)

Feature removing highly correlated variables using a classification model and SHAP values to determine which to keep, and Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-Validation (RFECV) on the remaining features.

  • Hyperparameter tuning (optional)

Runs grid search with cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning. Note the parameter grid must be passed.

  • Model training

Trains a classification model with the selected features and hyperparameters. By default, an XGBoost classifier will be trained.

Note both hyperparameter tuning and model training are run on a train set. Train-test split is performed using sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split.



hyperparameter_tuning_metrics(self, output_path=None)

This method returns the average and standard deviation of the cross-validation runs for every hyperparameter combination in hyperparameter tuning.



confusion_matrix(self, test=True, sum_stats=True, output_path=None)

This method returns the confusion matrix of the classification model.



classification_report(self, test=True, output_path=None)

This method returns the sklearn.metrics.classification_report in pandas.DataFrame format.

This report contains the intra-class metrics precision, recall and F1-score, together with the global accuracy, and macro average and weighted average of the three intra-class metrics.



plot_shap_importances(self, n_top=7, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots shap importance values, calculated as the combined average of the absolute values of the shap values for all classes.



plot_shap_importances_beeswarm(self, class_id, class_name=None, n_top=10, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots a summary of shap values for a specific class of the target variable. This uses shap beeswarm plot.



plot_confusion_matrix(self, test=True, sum_stats=True, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

This function makes a pretty plot of an sklearn Confusion Matrix cf using a Seaborn heatmap visualization.



 plot_roc_curves(self, test=True, labels=None, output_path=None, savefig_kws=None)

Plots ROC curve for every class.

8. Citing

Alvarez-Garcia, M., Ibar-Alonso, R., Arenas-Parra, M. (2024). A comprehensive framework for explainable cluster analysis. Information Sciences, 663 , 120282,