Welcome to one of my first, fully built out web projects! Cheers to the book Learn to Code HTML and CSS: Develop and Style Websites for guiding me through the development of this site!
Check it out here: https://styles-conference-mn.netlify.app/
Tech used: HTML & CSS
This is a website that I built while reading through the book Learn to Code HTML and CSS: Develop and Style Websites. Essentially, this project is a mock website for a conference on coding; featuring a home page, venue info page, registration page, speakers page, and schedule page. While this project doesn't include any programming with JavaScript, it truly pushed my knowledge of front-end to a level in which I am now comfortable building out whole, professional websites.
SO MANY front-end techniques and tips were learned on this project! Building out this site required a lot of patience considering it started from a completely blank screen. I am immensely proud of this site and will never forget the neat tricks I learned building this out. Even the little things like box-shadow and linear-gradient were so cool to see in action and made the website come to life. All in all, my greatest lesson here was to experiment with new properties and to keep front-end design simple, yet helpful for the user.