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Make Your Own Algorithmic Art edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 14 revisions

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What is simple.js?

Simple.js is a library to make p5js even easier for new and young coders.

Why simple.js?

More and more people are learning to code, which is great - it's an essential skill to have in this digital era.

Processing and p5js is a great way to learn to code, because the language is much easier than many others, and because many people respond better to visual feedback as they learn.

However, as nice as p5js is, my (limited) experience teaching

  • artists new to coding
  • young coders
  • technology-shy adults

highlighted some common barriers, which simple.js aims to remove or reduce.

See the other wiki pages for details and explanation for each change.


An easy to follow tutorial is included in the wiki here:


The idea of this library was due to a helpful suggestion on the issues section of the p5js github repository:

Development notes were blogged:

Children using simple.js

coderdojo cornwall

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