This gem only targets Sidekiq < 6. Since then, Sidekiq no longer offers it's own daemoinzation, and all rake tasks provided here do not make sense any more. We're therefore deprecating this gem.
Support code for our default Sidekiq setup.
Includes rake tasks to start and stop Sidekiq, Capistrano recipes for deployment, and a way to restart Sidekiq on reboot.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'makandra_sidekiq'
Your sidekiq configuration has to live in config/sidekiq.yml
Make sure you include at least :pidfile
and :logfile
. Sane values are
:pidfile: ./tmp/pids/
:logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log
Sometimes you will have to pass additional options to the sidekiq binary. You can do this by adding
:sidekiq_command_line_args: '--some --options'
to your config/sidekiq.yml
makandra_sidekiq comes with Capistrano recipes to call its rake tasks for (re)starting Sidekiq during deployment.
Note that those recipes require Capistrano 3+.
Add the following line to your Capfile:
require 'makandra_sidekiq/capistrano'
Give one or more servers the
role. -
Make sure that your pidfile is symlinked to a shared directory. For the example above, make sure that
set :linked_dirs
Simply add rake sidekiq:start
as a @reboot
task to your crontab.
When using whenever, add this to your schedule.rb:
every :reboot do
rake 'sidekiq:start', output: { standard: nil }
In case you don't use whenever, this crontab entry will work:
@reboot /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /path/to/rails/root && RAILS_ENV=environment bundle exec rake sidekiq:start --silent > /dev/null'
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Tobias Kraze, makandra GmbH
Arne Hartherz, makandra GmbH