Open Graph image generator for
- Install Rust following the instructions on
- Install the Fira Sans font on your machine: (a later version might include the fonts in the binray itself)
- Run
cargo build
for a debug build, orcargo build --release
for an optimized build
OG Loc gets its data from database dumps, which are loaded in a set of hash maps each time the application starts. First, you'll need the latest database dump, which you can fetch from
Using wget
OG Loc can either perform a a one-shot image generation, do a bulk job or run as a HTTP server.
$ cargo run -q -- --help
Usage: og-loc [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
serve Run the server
one-shot Do a single conversion
bulk Do a bulk conversion
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-d, --db-dump-path <DB_DUMP_PATH> The path of the database dump [env: DB_DUMP_PATH=] [default: ./db-dump.tar.gz]
-h, --help Print help
To run generate a single Open Graph image for a crate, use the one-shot
$ cargo run -q -- one-shot --help
Do a single conversion
Usage: og-loc one-shot --name <NAME> --out <OUT_PATH>
-n, --name <NAME> The name of the crate [env: NAME=]
-o, --out <OUT_PATH> The path to the PNG output file [env: OUT_PATH=]
-h, --help Print help
For instance, to get an image for the knien
crate at version 0.0.8
, run
# Unoptimized build
cargo run -- one-shot --name knien --version 0.0.8 --out knien-og.png
# Optimized build, significantly improves performance
cargo run --release -- one-shot --name knien --version 0.0.8 --out knien-og.png
note that this is a very simple prototype and not much work has been put in the styling of the images, but this image could fairly easily be styled to match the style. Futhermore, adding more information to the image is quite trivial.
To run a bulk job for a number of crates, use the bulk
$ cargo run -q -- bulk --help
Do a bulk conversion
Usage: og-loc bulk [OPTIONS] --in <INPUT> --out <OUT_FOLDER>
-f, --force Force overwrite the output [env: FORCE=]
-i, --in <INPUT> Input specifier. Either a comma-separated list of crate names, a path to a file containing a newline-separated list of crate names, or `-`, indicating stdin. Will first attempt to match input with `-`, then parse it as a comma-separated list of crate names, and then fall back to a path, only failing if an empty value is passed [env: INPUT=]
-o, --out <OUT_FOLDER> The path of the folder to which the PNGs should be written [env: OUT_FOLDER=]
-h, --help Print help
For instance, to generate a number of images for line break separated crate names specified in test.txt
and write them to the out
folder, run
# Unoptimized build
cargo run -- bulk --in test.txt -o test
# Optimized build, significantly improves performance
cargo run --release -- bulk -in test.txt -out test
To run the OG Loc server, use the serve
$ cargo run -q -- serve --help
Run the server
Usage: og-loc serve [OPTIONS]
-a, --addr <ADDR> The socket address to listen on [env: ADDR=] [default:]
-h, --help Print help
For instance, to serve locally from port 3000, run
# Unoptimized build
cargo run -- serve --addr
# Optimized build, significantly improves performance
cargo run --reelase -- serve --addr
Open your browser, and navigate to http://localhost:3000/og/<CRATE_NAME>
For instance, to get an image for the knien
crate, navigate to http://localhost:3000/og/knien
OG Loc uses the awesome Typst typesetting system internally to render the PNG images from a
Jinja2 template that gets filled with information from
The HTTP server is implented using Axum, and the database is loaded using db_dump