Originally created to address personal common programming needs, this small library offers a number of randomization options, some String and Array enhancements, as well as some statistical tools and an asynchronous loop.
Please post bugs and other issues in this repository.
M === mahdi; // true
const m = new M;
The constructor can accept an object to set seed for randomizing
const m = new M({seed:123});
const p = new M({seed:123});
m.random(); // 0.9650931040878277
p.random(); // 0.9650931040878277
The constructor can accept an object to dictate if String and Array enhancements should occur (true by default)
const m = new M({enhance:false});
"blah".capFirst(); // ERROR: capFirst is not a function
const n = new M;
"blah".capFirst(); // "Blah"
Responsible for main pseudo-randomization functionality.
- With no arguments, returns decimal between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
m.random(); // 0.16526106787346073
- If given 1 array argument, returns a random element from the array.
const arr = ["one","two","three"];
m.random(arr); // "two"
arr.random(); // "three"
- If given 1 number argument, returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and the given number (exclusive).
m.random(200); // 101
- If given 2 number arguments, returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and the max number (exclusive).
m.random(30,60); // 49
Generates a pseudo-random number based on a normal distrubution.
- If given no argument, will return a decimal with a std of 1 and a mean of 0.
m.normRand(); // -0.7409607351958362
- If given 1 number argument, will return an integer with a std of the given number and a mean of 0.
m.normRand(10); // 7
- If given 2 number arguments, will return a decimal with a std of the frst given number and a mean of second given number.
m.normRand(10,100); // 112
Generates a random name-like string.
m.randName();// "Umudo"
Takes a number argument as the number of 'words' to return. A second string argument can be provided as the delimiter (" " by default).
m.randName(3);// "Lodu Ukatubo Bu"
m.randName(3, ", ");// "Luro, Kemiwu, Isufuo"
Returns a key from input object based on that key's number value as counts or probabilities.
As counts
const counts = {
m.randProb(counts); // "a"
m.randProb(counts); // "a"
m.randProb(counts); // "c"
m.randProb(counts); // "a"
m.randProb(counts); // "b"
As probabilities
const probabilities = {
m.randProb(probabilities); // "c"
m.randProb(probabilities); // "a"
m.randProb(probabilities); // "b"
m.randProb(probabilities); // "a"
m.randProb(probabilities); // "a"
Capitalizes first letter of a string or each element of an array.
m.capFirst("blah"); // "Blah"
"haha".capFirst(); // "Haha"
Can be given an additional boolean argument to capitalize each word. The delimiter can be provided as an additional argument (" " by default).
const phrase = "look out radioactive man!";
m.capFirst(phrase, true); // "Look Out Radioactive Man!"
phrase.capFirst(true); // "Look Out Radioactive Man!"
m.capFirst(phrase, true, "a"); // "Look out raDioaCtive maN!
phrase.capFirst(true, "a"); // "Look out raDioaCtive maN!
Can be given an array of strings and returns a new array with each string capitalized.
Note: additional arguments behave as expected
const arr = ["this rocks","don't you","think?"];
m.capFirst(arr); // ["This rocks", "Don't you", "Think?"]
arr.capFirst(); // ["This rocks", "Don't you", "Think?"]
arr.capFirst(true); // ["This Rocks", "Don't You", "Think?"]
arr.capFirst(true, "o"); // ["This roCks", "DoN't yoU", "Think?"]
Removes non-ASCII characters from string or array elements.
const word = "t¢e¥s®t±";
m.filterASCII(word); // "test"
word.filterASCII(); // "test"
const arr = ["t¢","e¥","s®","t±"];
m.filterASCII(arr); // ["t", "e", "s", "t"]
arr.filterASCII(); // ["t", "e", "s", "t"]
Sums array of numbers.
const arr = [1,2,3,4];
m.sum(arr); // 10
arr.sum(); // 10
Returns average of array of numbers.
const arr = [1,2,3,4];
m.avg(arr); // 2.5
arr.avg(); // 2.5
Returns standard deviation of array of numbers.
const arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
m.sd(arr); // 2.8722813232690143
arr.sd(); // 2.8722813232690143
Removes given item from array (modifying it) and returns the item.
remove(arr, item, flag = false)
const someItem = {"key":"value"};
const arr = [9,false, someItem, 9];
m.remove(arr, someItem); // {"key":"value"}
arr; // [9, false, 9]
arr.remove(9); // 9
arr; // [false, 9]
If flag is true, all occurances will be removed and an array of each item removed will be returned.
const arr = [9,false, "yo", 9, 5, "yo"];
m.remove(arr, "yo", true); // ["yo", "yo"]
arr; // [9, false, 9, 5]
arr.remove(9, true); // [9, 9]
arr; // [false, 5]
Returns array of duplicate items.
If given an additional boolean argument of false, will return a new array with dupicates removed from array given.
const arr = ["a","b","c","b","a","a"];
m.findDups(arr); // ["b","a"]
m.findDups(arr, false); // ["c"]
arr.findDups(); // ["b","a"]
arr.findDups(false); // ["c"]
Returns a number (+/-) representing how many standard deviations the value is from the mean.
.zScore(val, mean, stdv)
const valInQuestion = 5;
const meanOfPopulation = 20;
const standardDev = 7;
m.zScore(valInQuestion,meanOfPopulation,standardDev); // -2.142857142857143
Returns statistical percentile for a given z-score for a one-sided tail.
const z_score = -2.142857142857143;
m.calcPercentile(z_score); // 0.016199999999999992
Loops an asyncronous function a number of iterations and returns a Promise.
.asyncLoop(iterations, func)
NOTE: func will be supplied 2 arguments: the current loop iteration and a callback function ("resolve" from a Promise) which must be called when the func has completed its asyncronous task
const myFunction = (iteration, resolve) => {
// Some asyncronous task
resolve(); // must call this when done
}, 1000);
This library is and related files in this repository are held to the standard MIT License.
- Fix constructor to accept arguments more intuitively
- Creation of library website
- Allow seeding with string argument
- chi-square testing function