A social intelligent recommender in order to make your apps smarter
Thanks to Julian McAuley, UCSD, we are using Amazon rating dataset.
For Debian, add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list,
deb http://downloads.skewed.de/apt/DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION main
deb-src http://downloads.skewed.de/apt/DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION main
where DISTRIBUTION can be any one of
stretch, sid
For Ubuntu, add the following lines
deb http://downloads.skewed.de/apt/DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION universe
deb-src http://downloads.skewed.de/apt/DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION universe
where DISTRIBUTION can be any one of
xenial, yakkety, zesty
After running apt-get update, the package can be installed with
apt-get install python-graph-tool
or if you want to use Python 3
apt-get install python3-graph-tool
If you want to verify the packages, you should use the public key 612DEFB798507F25, which can be done with the command:
apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.skewed.de --recv-key 612DEFB798507F25
Afterwards, you can run apt-key list, which should give you the following details about the key:
pub 4096R/98507F25 2013-10-17 [expires: 2018-10-16]
uid Tiago de Paula Peixoto <[email protected]>
uid Tiago de Paula Peixoto <[email protected]>
uid Tiago de Paula Peixoto <[email protected]>
sub 4096R/1A7ECE03 2013-10-17 [expires: 2018-10-16]
sub 4096R/23F08CAF 2013-10-17 [expires: 2018-10-16]
sub 4096R/52B46290 2017-03-19 [expires: 2022-03-18]
sub 4096R/EF5E8538 2017-03-19 [expires: 2022-03-18]
sub 4096R/628150AC 2017-03-19 [expires: 2022-03-18]
Before installing the package, you should install igraph:
sudo apt-get install -y libigraph0-dev
And run setup:
pip install -e .