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Vamp Node.js Client

This is the NodeJS implementation for Vamp client.

Install using node install.


let _ = require('highland');
let vamp = require('vamp-node-client');

let api = new vamp.Api(); (info) {


api.config().each(function (config) {

Publishing an event

api.event(['tag1:a', 'tag2:b'], 'abcd');

Example using Elasticsearch metrics

let _ = require('highland');
let vamp = require('vamp-node-client');

// overriding configuration
let api = new vamp.Api({
    host: 'http://localhost:9090', // by default: $VAMP_URL || ''
    path: '/api/v1'                // by default: '/api/v1'

let metrics = new vamp.ElasticsearchMetrics(api);
metrics.average({ ft: 'abc' }, 'Tt', 30).each(function(response) {
    //, response.rate, response.average

Event digest validation

Run node digest-check.js [directory] [salt]:

  • directory - directory where event json files are
  • salt - SHA1 salt used for creating original event digests (signatures)