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Quicksilver Mainnet joining instructions

Note: commit hashes and shasums will be added before launch

For gentx instructions, follow the installation guide and follow the link below.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • 4 cores (max. clock speed possible)
  • 16GB RAM
  • 500GB of NVMe or SSD disk

Software requirements

Quicksilver v1.0.0 will be released once a final audit report has been released.

Install Quicksilver

Requires Go version v1.19+.

> git clone && cd quicksilver
> git fetch origin --tags
> git checkout v1.0.0
> make install

Verify installation

To verify if the installation was successful, execute the following command:

> quicksilverd version --long

It will display the version of quicksilverd currently installed:

name: quicksilverd
server_name: quicksilverd
version: 1.0.0
commit: XXX
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.19 linux/amd64

Genesis validators

If the network is already running; continue with the steps below. Otherwise follow the instructions here to create an gentx.

Create a validator

  1. Init Chain and start your node

    > quicksilverd init <moniker-name> --chain-id=quicksilver-1
  2. Create a local key pair Note: we recommend only using Ledger for mainnet! Key security is important!

    > ## create a new key:
    > quicksilverd keys add <key-name>
    > ## or use a ledger:
    > quicksilverd key add <key-name> --ledger     
    > ## or import an old key:
    > quicksilverd keys show <key-name> -a
  3. Download genesis Fetch genesis.json into quicksilverd's config directory (default: ~/.quicksilverd)

    > curl -s > genesis.tar.gz
    > tar -C ~/.quicksilverd/config/ -xvf genesis.tar.gz

    Genesis sha256

     shasum -a 256 ~/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json
     XXX  /home/<user>/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json
  4. Start your node and sync to the latest block

  5. Create validator

    $ quicksilverd tx staking create-validator \
    --amount 50000000uqck \
    --commission-max-change-rate "0.1" \
    --commission-max-rate "0.20" \
    --commission-rate "0.1" \
    --min-self-delegation "1" \
    --details "a short description lives here" \
    --pubkey=$(quicksilverd tendermint show-validator) \
    --moniker <your_moniker> \
    --chain-id quicksilver-1 \
    --from <key-name>


Quicksilver Mainnet Repository






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