TestNet used: Kovan
Token 1 --> MAGIC Token
address: 0xD19f28dbE3FFd95b7ed8F4fA062DDcB395d3FdaA
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000
Token Name: MAGIC Token
Token Symbol: MAGIC
Decimalsl: 18
Kovan Link: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0xd19f28dbe3ffd95b7ed8f4fa062ddcb395d3fdaa#code
Token 2 --> RMAGIC Token
address: 0x045d6BCca7432b06665311dA17824f4acF0AE872
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000
Token Name: Magic Reward Token
Token Symbol: RMAGIC
Decimalsl: 18
Kovan Link: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x045d6bcca7432b06665311da17824f4acf0ae872#code
Staking --> Reward Token Pool
address: 0x71dc4cf37c576dcf5aa87f630deb3eeea3454a7f
Kovan Link: https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x71dc4cf37c576dcf5aa87f630deb3eeea3454a7f#code
Methods: 1. Stake 2. Unstake 3. Issue Token (OWNER only)
Process to work:
- First deploy all the contracts
//10000 -> 5000(or any amount) 2. Transfer all the rewards token to stake contract(address)
//10000 -> 2000 3. Transfer some tokens from main token to USER1
Copy the stake contract address and paste it & approve the staking value in main token contract approve function from the staking USER1
Stake few amount of tokens from USER1 in STAKING contact
Switch to MAIN user(owner) and issue tokens in staking contract
Now unstake all the tokens from the respective USER accounts
Now check the balance in Main and REWARD tokens