This repository is my very own configuration of Neovim.
Warning: Use at your own risk! Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails.
I don't like to rely on big frameworks and tools that give you a shiny set of bells and whistles and you have no idea what is in there and how to manage all of that. So maybe this isn't the biggest set of plugins you can get if you clone my repo, but more a concise configuration of Neovim.
I try to use comments where necessary, but not every single line is documented.
You might have to take a look in the docs and wikis of the plugins or call for
- lazy.nvim
- alpha-nvim
- treesitter
- fzf-lua
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-cmp
- cmp-buffer
- mason
- mason-lspconfig
- lualine
- gitsigns
- go.nvim
- guihua.lua
- obsidian.nvim
- markdown-preview.nvim
- nvim-ufo