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Automatic mobile support

Freddie edited this page May 6, 2014 · 1 revision


Have My Monsters/My Teams use different layouts based on window width.


The attempted mobile site solves some problems (slow JS/huge JS downloads) while introducing others (multiple roundtrips for every action on high latency connections).


  • Depends on Edit anywhere being completed first.
  • monsters.js is already a bit hairy, adding extra layout code will make it even more scary.
    • Split the generic UserMonster sorting code out
    • Look at Handlebars helpers across all JS and see if they can be consolidated into 'common' helpers in a single file.
  • Multiple places to deal with editing/etc, make sure to consolidate code as much as possible.

Steps (5, 6, 7, 8)

  • Decide on how many layout modes to use.
    • Monsters:
      • Phone screens are tiny, probably need to use the mobile site 'bunch of icons' layout style.
      • Landscape tablet could use the current layout with some columns hidden and bigger edit/etc icons?
      • Portrait tablet would need some testing to see which is more usable.
  • Add extra 'base' areas to the monsters template for different modes.
  • Write new JS/Handlebars templates for modes.
  • Hook up mode switching to the resize handler.
    • Some sort of flag to disable mode switching when editing or a modal is active?
  • Deal with tears as people try to use it.
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