Repo with the API and benchmark-generating code for AutoRL-Bench
Get the data from HERE, download this repo and put it at the level of this repository folder.
git clone
cd AutoRL-Bench
from benchmark_handler import BenchmarkHandler
benchmark = BenchmarkHandler(data_path = "/data_arl_bench",
environment = "Pendulum-v0", seed = 0,
search_space = "PPO", static = True)
#querying static configuration
configuration_to_query = {"lr":-6, "gamma": 0.8, "clip": 0.2}
queried_data = benchmark.get_metrics(configuration_to_query, budget=50)
#querying dynamic configuration
benchmark.static = False
configuration_to_query = {"lr":[-3,-4],
"gamma": [0.8,0.99],
"clip": [0.2, 0.2]}
queried_data = benchmark.get_metrics(configuration_to_query, budget=50)
For an insightful usage description please check the file benchmark-usages-examples.ipynb
Please cite us when using AutoRL-Bench in your work by using the bibtex below:
@inproceedings { autorlbench-22,
author = {Gresa Shala and Sebastian Pineda and Andr{\'e} Biedenkapp and Frank Hutter and Josif Grabocka},
title = {AutoRL-Bench 1.0},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Meta-Learning (NeurIPS)},
year = {2022}