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Raspberry pi based CI-lamp to monitor CI-builds. Any HTTPS/REST based CI-API will do. Examples available for:
- Travis-CI
- Gitlab pipelines
Currently supported lamps:
- red/green signal tower
Dependencies for the build:
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libconf-dev
- wiringPi
- cmocka (only for running unittests)
- libasan0 (only when compiling in debug mode)
On a raspberrypi (tested on raspberrypi3 raspbian image)
The I/O pin configuration follows the wiringPi enumeration ( -> the numbers between round brackets). By default:
- red lamp = pin 23
- green lamp = pin 21
You can override the default pins:
Compiling on a desktop machine
You can run the application, but of course you will get no I/O feedback. To print the red/green status on stdout for testing, compile in debug mode:
To quickly test the lamp, you can use the config file that monitors this project on the travis-CI:
./bin/rpi-ci-lamp config_examples/rpi_ci_lamp.conf
You will of course want to create your own configuration file. A basic config file would look like:
interval = 5; # delay in seconds between two consecutive query sessions
build-info = (
server = "my_server";
url = "";
my_server = {
headers = ("my_header: content"); # optional list of HTTP headers
# regular expressions to parse the response from the CI-server
regex_passed = "\\\"status\\\":\\\"success\\\""; # needs to match when build passed
regex_running = "\\\"status\\\":\\\"running\\\""; # needs to match when build is running/busy
regex_failed = "\\\"status\\\":\\\"failed\\\""; # needs to match when build failed
Note that you can add multiple queries and multiple server configs. See the config_examples dir for specific examples.
There is also a service script in the 'bin' folder that can be used to run the application as a system service so it will start at boot:
sudo cp bin/ /etc/init.d/
# Adapt BASEDIR and SCRIPT to your environment. In SCRIPT you also mension your own config file
sudo vi /etc/init.d/
sudo update-rc.d defaults
sudo service rpi-ci-lamp start