The implementation of stream algorithm for estimating distinct count.
The algorithm is with an example of streaming input which is a sequence of multi-attribute metadata that corresponds to different jobs containing these columns
SourceIPAddress, ClusterId , JobId, Date, Geography xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx, [0-99] , long64, DD:MM , [0-9]
CountDistinctSketchAlgorithm generates and hold CountDistinctDataStructure which is a sketch of each attributes.
- The Sketch generation uses log(log(n)) algorithm and parameterized number of hash functions.
- Each sketch for an attribute is generated with a random seed initialized hash function
- The median of count generated by different 'h' sketches is the final count Distinct Estimate.
- 2^R is the approximate number of items, like if there are 200 items R will 8, 2^8=256.
2^1 --- --> [, , , ]
2^2 --- --> [ , , , ]
2^3 --- --> [, , , , ]
2^64 --- --> [, , , , ]
where each bucket has 2^R bit to turned on. Number buckets depend upon the hash function output. This solution uses long64 hash function hence 64 of these buckets.
In the above T hash buckets the bits are turned on by using these steps
z - 64 bit long hash output z = hash_function("str")
R - approx total values
i. calculate trailing zeros
if z = 12 R = 2^4
z / R = 12
binary fo z = 1110
the number of trailing zeros = 1 - so value 12 goes into T = 2^1 - bucket
ii. bit to turn on
the leading prefix bits which are bits before trailing zeros are used to calculate the position to be turned on.
z=12 binary = 1110, in this case it will first to bits 11, which is position 3 in our example.
For each hashfunction T estimate F0 as follows
w*= arg.median( Tw[i] = 0)
w* is the bucket where the count distinct estiamte lies.
p0 = ( count(Tw*[i]=0) )/R;
F0d = (Math.log(p0)) / (Math.log( 1.0- (1.0/R) ));
Median(F01 , F02 .... F0h) is the estimated count distinct value.
The above count distinct algorithm can be extended to calculated values for
aggregated and filtered data well. For e.g.
The sourceIP can be from any geography labeled as value 0-9
The sketch described in step 1 for sourceIP is generated for each geographic value separately
sourceIPsketch1 - geography 1
sourceIPsketch2 - geograhpy 2
If the query is
**Select count(*) from sourceIP where geography=1**
the count is estimated from the sketch of sourceIPsketch1
If the query is
**Select count(*) from sourceIP where geography=(1,2)**
the count is estimated by taking bit wise union(sourceIPSketch1, sourceIPSketch2)
java -Xmx8192M -jar ./target/countDistinctEstimator-1.0.jar ./data/100000IPAddr.tsv ./data/queryFile.tsv
heap size need to be increased
constructing all Count Distinct Sketches ....
for query 1. 'Distinct IP Address' - 52777
for query 2. 'Distinct Job Signature' - 23824
for query 3. 'Distinct Job Signature from clusterId, 25' - 960
for query 4. 'Distinct Job Signature from clusterId range [1,99]' - 23905
for query 5. 'Distinct Job signatures in a given month 12' - 6018
for query 6. 'Distinct Job signatures in a given range of months [6,12]' - 25234
for query 7. 'Distinct Job signatures from a given Geography 6' - 7911
for query 8. 'Distinct IP addresses from a given Geography 6' - 8772
for query 9. 'Distinct Job Signature from Geographies 0,9,1,2' - 23952
for query 10. 'Distinct IP addresses from Geographies 0,9,1,2' - 34723
actual vs calculated result...
query 1 actual value 53181 - algorithm value 52777 - percentage error - 0.76
query 2 actual value 22869 - algorithm value 23824 - percentage error - 4.18
query 3 actual value 1010 - algorithm value 960 - percentage error - 4.95
query 4 actual value 22827 - algorithm value 23905 - percentage error - 4.72
query 5 actual value 5453 - algorithm value 6018 - percentage error - 10.36
query 6 actual value 20444 - algorithm value 25234 - percentage error - 23.43
query 7 actual value 7814 - algorithm value 7911 - percentage error - 1.24
query 8 actual value 9387 - algorithm value 8772 - percentage error - 6.55
query 9 actual value 18016 - algorithm value 23952 - percentage error - 32.95
query 10 actual value 30348 - algorithm value 34723 - percentage error - 14.42
A variation of what explained here -