Lightweight library with updates support for your app.
Key options
- Less than 20 KB.
- Async.
- You can define extra data in config file.
- Support download progress (byte and percent).
Install-Package UpdateMyApp
Make config XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Whats_new>Performance improvement</Whats_new>
Upload XML to you server and get URL for it. You Can upload e.g. to Dropbox.
(After you get public URL change it to:[FILE_ID]/[FILENAME])
Set URL to your XML file
Update.SetUrlToXml("http://URL_to_XML"); //[bool] return true if url is valid
Set current version
Update.SetCurrentVersion("1.2.0"); //[bool] return true if string is valid Version
Now you can check if new version is present
await Update.CheckForNewVersionAsync(); //[bool] return true is new version is available
After that you have two option, you can download file define in URL
await Update.DownloadFileAsync(@"E:\Shared\My_App\"); //[bool] return true is download is complete
or open URL in browser
If you download file you can view progress
Update.DownloadedProgress += Update_DownloadedProgress;
private static void Update_DownloadedProgress(long byteDownloaded, long byteToDownload, double perCentProgress)
Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded: {byteDownloaded} from: {byteToDownload} | {perCentProgress}");
To read other value from XML use Dictionary<string, string>.
Dictionary<string, string> AllXMLValue = await Update.ReadAllValueFromXmlAsync();
AllXMLValue.TryGetValue("Whats_new", out string whatsNew);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whatsNew))
Console.WriteLine($"New version contein: {whatsNew}");
Error handling
By default all error are ignored. If you want to catch some, set this at the beginning.
Update.IsEnableError = true;
Now you can use try...catch.
Apache License 2.0