The ros2_control
implementation for any kind of ROBOTIS Dynamixel robots.
: theSystemInterface
implementation for the multiple ROBOTIS Dynamixel servos.open_manipulator_x_description
: the reference implementation of theros2_control
robot using ROBOTIS OpenManipulator-X.
The dynamixel_hardware
package is hopefully compatible any configuration of ROBOTIS Dynamixel servos thanks to the ros2_control
's flexible architecture.
This fork allows to use dynamixel_hardware package with dynamixels that use communication protocol version 1.0
At this moment, this fork only supports position control and only with ros-humble.
In your workspace :
$ git clone src
$ vcs import src < src/dynamixel_control.repos
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
$ . install/setup.bash
To use dynamixel_control add following ros2_control block.
<ros2_control name="${name}" type="system">
<param name="usb_port">/dev/ttyUSB0</param>
<param name="baud_rate">57600</param>
<param name="joint_ids">1,2,3</param>
<param name="use_stub">true</param> <!-- optional parameter if set to true, commands will NOT be forwarded to the hardware.-->
<joint name="joint_name">
It is necessary to set following parameters: usb_port, baud_rate and joint_ids.
Also joint blocks inside of ros2_control should be used. Example of joint block:
<joint name="id_1">
<param name="id">1</param>
<param name="Return_Delay_Time">0</param>
<param name="CW_Angle_Limit">0</param>
<param name="CCW_Angle_Limit">1023</param>
<param name="Moving_Speed">1023</param>
<command_interface name="position" />
<state_interface name="position" />
<state_interface name="velocity" />
<state_interface name="effort" />
When package is configured and you have launched both package with description of your robot and ros2_control you can move your robot using following command: .
$ ros2 action send_goal /joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory control_msgs/action/FollowJointTrajectory -f "{
trajectory: {
joint_names: [name_of_first_joint, ..., name_of_last_joint],
points: [
{ positions: [0.1, ..., 0], time_from_start: { sec: 2 } },
{ positions: [-0.1, ..., 0], time_from_start: { sec: 4 } },
{ positions: [0, ..., 0], time_from_start: { sec: 6 } }