Social Media app built using React, GraphQL, ExpressJs and Mongodb.
- Features:
- Users can authenticate themselves and validation is provided on both the front end and the backend.
- During registration the user has to provide a unique "username" otherwise they would get an error displayed on the screen.
- Every field on the registration page and login page is properly implemented with validations.
- After registration or login, the user would be navigated to the home page where they can see other people's posts and post their own posts too.
- The delete button would be available for the user's own posts and comments.
- Every button has it's own pop-up for a good user experience.
- After login, the token would be stored in the local storage and would be expired after 1 hour so the user would be automatically logged out and has to log in again.
- This is a starting project and can be extended to any social media app.
- The front end is built using Reactjs, SemanticUI, ApolloClient, and other libraries. The back end is built using NodeJs, ExpressJs, Graphql, and MongoDB.
This app was my personal project for practicing Graphql spec on both frontend and backend.
- JavaScript
- React
- Mongodb
- ExpressJs
- Authentication
- Create Post
- Remove Post
- Post Comment
- Remove Comment
Execute the following commands after cloning the repo:
npm install
npm run dev
- npm install
- npm start
- cd client
- npm install
- npm run dev
This app can be use as a social media app to post and comment.
This project is fully functional.
- Reactions on each post and comment
- Notifications of posts.
- The Project was inspired by Classed Youtube Channel
- This Project was built to practice the Graphql spec.