Install from composer
composer require lyrasoft/formkit
Then copy files to project
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/formkit -t routes -t migrations -t seeders
- Add
Add this line to admin & front middleware if you don't want to override languages:
$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor('lyrasoft/formkit', 'ini');
// OR
$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor(\Lyrasoft\Formkit\FormkitPackage::class, 'ini');
Or run this command to copy languages files:
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/formkit -t lang
Edit resources/menu/admin/
// Contact
->icon('fal fa-layer-group');
Copy URL or open page from edit sidebar:
You will see standalone page:
The page extends layout is configuable, see config file:
// ...
'view' => [
'default_extends' => 'global.body',
'extends' => [
'global.body' => 'Default Layout',
// You can add new layout
'' => 'Blog Layout',
// ...
Add a new layout option, then it can be choose:
You can disable page view by toggle 可使用公開網址
, if disable this field, the URL will unable to access form.
You must manually process short code in code, for example:
$formkitService = $app->retrieve(\Lyrasoft\Formkit\Formkit\FormkitService::class);
// In blade
{!! $formkitService->parseShortCode($article->getFulltext()) !!}
Now you can copy the short-code to article content:
Short-code usage:
[formkit id=123]
[formkit alias=foo-bar]
[formkit id=123 force=1]
When as formkit is render by short-code and was publish down, there are another formkit/formkit-unpublish.blade.php
layout to show end information, it is default empty, you can modify it if you need.
In etc/packages/formkit.php
, you can add custom cc, bcc or target roles to receive mails.
The users fetch by roles, must enable Receive Email
that can receive mail.
// ...
'receivers' => [
'roles' => [
'cc' => [
'bcc' => [
// ...
To modify mail layout, see mail/formkit-receiver-mail.blade.php
and formkit/formkit-preview-table.blade.php
There has 3 porisions you can insert widgets to field card:
- start
- end
- toolbar
The code example:
import '@main';
import type { App } from 'vue';
const { watch, ref } = Vue;
u.on('formkit.prepared', (app: App) => {
app.provide('field.card.end', FieldCardEnd);
const FieldCardEnd = Vue.defineComponent({
name: 'FieldCardEnd',
template: `
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group col-lg-3">
<label class="form-label" for="">背景顏色</label>
<input type="color" class="form-control"
v-model.lazy="item.background_color" />
props: {
modelValue: null,
setup(props, { emit }) {
const item = ref(props.modelValue);
watch(item, (v) => {
emit('update:modelValue', v);
}, { deep: true });
return {
Fields components is localted at assets/src/fields/*.ts
, copy the file you want to override to root project's resources/assets/src
And use $asset->alias()
to override this file.