proj3 for operating systems
This project implements an in-memory key value server named primary server, and its backup called backup server. More details can be found in document.
This project uses language golang 1.6.2 and python 2.7.6, please install compliers and explainers before use, The test enviroment is Ubuntu-64bit.
Test under following instructions:
- ./
- run command: ./test
Source files and executable files are put in the bin directory, the ip configure is put in the conf directory. test file is put in the root directory
under root directory test.go: the source code of test test: the executable file of test
under directory bin http_back.go: the source code to implement a backup server http_back: the executable file of backup server http_server.go: the source code to implement a primary server http_server: the executable file of primary server start_server: the script to active server, with argument '-p' to start primary server, argument '-b' to start backup server stop_server: the script to shutdown server, with argument '-p' to stop primary server, argument '-b' to stop backup server http_client.go just for test
under directory conf settings.conf the configure file of ip and port of server
TestCases explain:
- RandomTest: repeat 5 turns. Each turn, there are 20 clients where each requests 100 times . After each turn, countkey, dump and restart server will be tested. Each request result will be checked to ensure the correctness.
- ThroughputTest: firstly, 1000 clients request in concurrecy with packages 30KB. Secondly, 50 clients request in concurrency with 2MB packages.
- EncodingTest: to test whether Chinese character can be used to request.
Our program run average 20s in the Test.