Publish your writing effortlessly by sending an email.
To set up your development environment, install Ruby 3.3+ using HomeBrew and rbenv.
Then checkout this repository and run:
git clone
cd pagecord
bundle install
Before you run the app in development, first set up the database:
rails db:setup
Pagecord uses Sidekiq, which uses Redis.
brew install redis
The app is tested using the Rails standard, minitest. To run the tests, use the following commands:
bin/rails test
bin/rails test:system
Sometimes you'll need to debug emails. To do this, save the .eml file(s) to a folder
such as tmp/emails
You can then run the following command which will parse all the .eml files in that
folder and create posts for the first user account in the seed data ([email protected]
DIR=tmp/emails rake email:load
Read about the Pagecord architecture or making contributions.
Follow the Pagecord blog.