image from official debian:jessie
PHP-FPM version - 7.0.20
DateTime - Europe/Kiev
Composer installed globally
This instruction will help you to launch the PHP-FPM + NGINX + DB (Postgres, or Mysql) and run your application In addition we can suggest to use different useful tools, such as Mailcatcher and so on.
First you have to install docker.
Next step is installing the docker-compose.
Create domain name of your application (of course local name) In this manual we will use domain name:
Choose the root folder for your application on your local machine. Let's say path to our root folder wiil be:
Hope you've already installed docker and docker-compose on your machine. docker-compose.yml file lies into the awesome folder.
You need to put this file into the root directory of your project - /var/www/awesome/
Also we need to put our nginx config file with our domain. Here you can find the simpliest example: lyberteam.conf
Copy this file and put it to path /var/www/awesome/nginx/vhost/lyberteam.conf
If you want change the domain name, then replace server_name;
- with your domain (i.e.
Now we should mount our config to the nginx container. To do this add this line into docker-compose.yml file.
## docker-compose.yml
container_name: awesome_nginx
image: lyberteam/nginx-base
- "80:80"
- php
- application
- ./logs/nginx:/var/log/nginx
- ./nginx/vhost/lyberteam.conf:/etc/nginx/vhost/lyberteam.conf # <- add this line
working_dir: /etc/nginx
Then you need just to run the docker-compose command in the terminal:
docker-compose up -d
After that you will see, how will the images be installed (pulled)
To check out if is everything ok - just run this command:
docker-compose ps
The last one is to make changes to your /etc/hosts
we need to make our domain ( be reachable locally.
Open it with your text editor (vim, nano etc) and add the next line:
Save and close.
No you type in your favorite browser and enjoy.
- lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:xdebug - with xdebug
- lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:xtools - with xdebug and code check tools
- lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:stable
- php7.0-pgsql
- php7.0-mysql
- php7.0-opcache
- php7.0-common
- php7.0-mbstring
- php7.0-mcrypt
- php7.0-soap
- php7.0-cli
- php7.0-intl
- php7.0-json
- php7.0-xsl
- php7.0-imap
- php7.0-ldap
- php7.0-curl
- php7.0-gd
- php7.0-zip
- php7.0-dev
- php7.0-fpm
- php7.0-redis
- php7.0-memcached
- php7.0-mongodb
- php7.0-xdebug (
only for lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:xdebug or :xtools
) - php7.0-imagick (
- Composer (installed globally)
- Cron (added for Magento support)
- Browscap (Browscap official page)
- wkhtmltopdf (Official website)
(Tools installed in lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:xtools
- PHP Unit
also installed in lyberteam/php-fpm7.0:xdebug
) - PHP CodeSniffer
- PHP Depend
- PHPMD (Mess Detector)
- PHPCPD (Detecting duplicate code in PHP files)
- PHPDox - Be free with docs!