Initial version of esp8266 integrated with AWS. Heavily based on the example at
Assumes that you have a cross-compiling enviornment working for Esp8266 xtensa processor. To test you should be able to build and run the examples at on your esp-12 board.
Assumes that you have configured the WIFI ssid and password as per.
You will need to modify client_config.c with relevant client certificats, keys and endpoint.
Before building set the enviornment variable 'ESP_OPEN_RTOS' to the absolute path of the esp_rtos_sdk directory.
Now run
To view the serial console picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 --omap crcrlf
To messages are published to esp8266/status amazon IOT queue and are received from esp8266/control queue. You can send either "on" or "off" message to toggle the built-in led on esp-12 board.
If you are stuck maybe you could read up the instructions at
== Code Organization ==
You can start reading the code from user_init.c which initializes the esp8266 and starts the tasks.
There are two queues that are responsible for sending and receiving messages. See queues.h