We wanted to help the invisible people of Toronto, many homeless people do not have identification and often have a hard time keeping it due to their belongings being stolen. This prevents many homeless people to getting the care that they need and the access to resources that an ordinary person does not need to think about.
How Our application would be set up as a booth or kiosks within pharmacies or clinics so homeless people can be verified easily.
We wanted to keep information of our patients to be secure and tamper-proof so we used the Ethereum blockchain and would compare our blockchain with the information of the patient within our database to ensure they are the same otherwise we know there was edits or a breach.
Impact This would solve problems such as homeless people getting the prescriptions they need at local clinics and pharmacies. As well shelters would benefit from this as our application can track the persons: age, medical visits, allergies and past medical history experiences.
For our facial recognition we used Facenet and tensor flow to train our models For our back-end we used Python-Flask to communicate with Facenet and Node.JS to handle our routes on our site. As well Ether.js handled most of our back-end code that had to deal with our smart contract for our blockchain. We used Vue.JS for our front end to style our site.