Releases: luongvo/kmm-survey
Releases · luongvo/kmm-survey
- [#35] [Android] As a user, I can see the Completion screen after doing the survey by @luongvo in #86
- [#37] [#38] [Android] As a user, I can pull to refresh the survey list in Home screen by @luongvo in #87
- [#20] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can see the app cache and load survey list in Home screen by @luongvo in #89
- [#36] Show the confirmation dialog when clicking on Close survey button by @luongvo in #90
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0
- [#26][#31] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: star + heart rating by @luongvo in #76
- [#32] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: smiley rating by @luongvo in #77
- [#25] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: option list picker by @luongvo in #78
- [#27] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: nps rating by @luongvo in #79
- [#28] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: choice by @luongvo in #81
- [#29] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: textfield by @luongvo in #82
- [#30] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types: textarea by @luongvo in #83
- [#34] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can submit answers for the survey by @luongvo in #84
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.5.0
What's Changed
- [Chore] Bump app versions to 0.4.0 by @luongvo in #64
- [#21] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see the Survey Detail screen by @luongvo in #65
- [#22] [Backend] As a user, I can see the survey questions by @luongvo in #66
- [#24] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see many question types when doing survey feedback by @luongvo in #68
- [#23] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can see the Survey Detail screen by @luongvo in #69
- [#17] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see the Side Menu screen after tapping on User Avatar in Home screen by @luongvo in #70
- [#18] [Backend] As a user, I can logout by @luongvo in #71
- [#19] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can logout when clicking on Logout in the Side menu by @luongvo in #72
- [#33] [Backend] As a user, I can submit answers for the survey by @luongvo in #73
- Release 0.4.0 by @luongvo in #75
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0
What's Changed
- [Chore] Bump version 0.3.0 by @luongvo in #56
- [#12] [Backend] As a user, I can see my user profile on Home screen by @luongvo in #57
- [#10] [Backend] As a user, I can continue to use the app (refresh token) when it expired by @luongvo in #58
- [#15] [Backend] As a user, I can see a list of surveys on the home screen by @luongvo in #59
- [#11] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see the Home screen header by @luongvo in #60
- [#14] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see a list of surveys on the home screen by @luongvo in #61
- [#13] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can see the Home screen header by @luongvo in #62
- [#16] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can see a list of surveys on the home screen by @luongvo in #63
- Release 0.3.0 by @luongvo in #67
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
What's Changed
- [Chore] Bump app versions 0.2.0 by @luongvo in #46
- [#6] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can log in to the app by @luongvo in #48
- [#9] [Android] [UI] As a user, I can see the Splash screen by @luongvo in #49
- [#7] [Backend] 1/2: As a user, I can log in to the app by @luongvo in #50
- [#7] [Backend] 2/2: Securely store the credentials after logging in by @luongvo in #51
- [Chore] Add Codecov and update readme by @luongvo in #53
- [#8] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can log in to the app - 1/2: Integration by @luongvo in #52
- [#8] [Android] [Integrate] As a user, I can log in to the app - 2/2: LoginScreenTest by @luongvo in #54
- Release 0.2.0 by @luongvo in #55
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
What's Changed
- [#1] Initialize KMM project by @luongvo in #39
- [#2] [Android] Update app to follow Android Compose template structure by @luongvo in #40
- [#41] [Android] [iOS] Setup project app flavors by @luongvo in #42
- [#4] [Android] Setup Firebase Distribution & CD workflows by @luongvo in #44
- [#3] [Android] Setup CI workflow: Lint, Detekt and tests by @luongvo in #43
- [#5] Setup build env config & networking layer by @luongvo in #45
- Release 0.1.0 by @luongvo in #47
Full Changelog: