The project Prometheus Temperature exporter for raspberry pi is no longer be maintained and will be superseded by
Prometheus Endpoint, written in Python to read 1wire sensor and exposes temperature values as a prometheus metric.
Depending on the type of the sensor, you'll have to wire the sensor with a 4.7K Ohm resistor. The following sample wiring might help:
Make sure, you have the required kernel modules loaded. To do so, follow these steps:
$ sudo modprobe w1-gpio
$ sudo modprobe w1-therm
$ sudo echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio" >> /boot/config.txt #to enable 1-wire config and persist after reboot
$ lsmod #check if modules are loaded correctly
$ sudo reboot
After your pi has been rebooted, check if you can list the attached 1-wire devices
$ ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/
Have a look at the sourcecode for details. Generally, you'll have to download and import the required python libraries. Refer to the official documentation on how to implement a prometheus exporter:
I've used hypriot os with a RaspberryPi 3B+. It works on a Raspberry Pi 2 too, although docker builds might take some time, so be calm to your Pi.
You can run the exporter either via python itself or in a docker container. The required commands for running it via python are also in the supplied Makefile. For docker use:
$ docker build -t raspbi-temperature-exporter:arm32v6 -f Dockerfile .
$ docker run -it -e EXPORTER_PORT=9103 -p 9103:9103 raspbi-temperature-exporter:arm32v6
You can also download it from docker hub via docker pull lukasbahr/raspbi-temperature-exporter:arm32v6
- [DONE] Add CI/CD Support
- [OPEN] Add unit tests
- [OPEN] use buildx to create the proper image
- [OPEN] Add health metric, error metric, scrape interval, general information about exporter etc.
- The wiring image originates from: