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A Gossip protocol for a P2P network using the Brahms algorithm.


This repository is part of a students project where multiple teams implemented a peer in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Each team implements a different module of the peer. The modules communicate with each other via TCP using an API defined in the project's specification. We cannot share the specification due to copy rights.

In our module, we implemented a gossip protocol to spread knowledge across the network. In such a protocol, every peer has a subset of all peers as its neighbors. To spread information, a peer sends it to its neighbors who then forward it to their neighbors and so on. Peers may join or leave the network, hence the view must be updated frequently. Doing this in a naive way allows attackers to isolate or manipulate peers. To avoid this, we use a simplified version of the Brahms algorithm (see the Brahms algorithm).



Lukas Denk: The implementation subsections of the messaging, p2p and api packages as well as the The P2P protocol section.

Kyrylo Vasylenko: The implementation subsections of the main and networking packages as well as the Deployment and Testing section.


Lukas Denk: The messaging, p2p and api packages.

Kyrylo Vasylenko: The main and networking packages.



The project consists of five packages:

  1. The main package serves as setup function for our service and reads specified console and ini file parameters.
  2. The networking package serves as transport functionality for API and Peer-To-Peer (P2P) communication.
  3. The messaging package contains the messages for the API- and P2P-communication as well as an interface to receive API-messages and an interface to receive P2P messages.
  4. The api package is responsible for the communication to the other modules.
  5. The p2p package maintains the neighbourhood of the peer and spreads knowledge across the network.

The Main Package

The main package serves as setup function for our service and consists of CLI Reader and INI Reader classes. Specifically, it does following:

  • Reads command line arguments
  • Reads INI file parameters
  • Initializes our communication modules with specified parameters.

The Networking Package

Networking package serves as transport functionality for module-to-module and P2P communication. Currently, it supports socket communication (read/write) and connections management (restricting amount of incoming connections to api service).

To manage socket communication we have used Kotlin coroutines and Java Non-blocking IO. These technologies will are explained in paragraph below.


We do networking with the help of coroutines. Coroutines can be thought of as light-weight threads with a number of differences. As coroutines is such a broad topic, there will be explained only features we used in current project. (See Kotlin Team documentation for detailed explanation).

Coroutine Scope

We make use of a structured concurrency approach, making use of Coroutine Scope. Coroutine Scope is a parent scope for all coroutines created with its help, if we create 5 coroutines for module-to-module connections inside Communication Scope. We can easily stop all the connections by simply stopping Communication Scope. In this way we do not have to keep track of created jobs.

How We Use Coroutine Scope

In the current state of development, we create one coroutine per module-to-module connection and keep it in Service Scope. In addition, we are planning to add functionality for one-message-connections, to get or initiate a connection, receive or send a message, close the socket, and finish the coroutine.

Asynchronous Socket Communication

For socket communication use standard Java Non-blocking I/O library, which is the most efficient choice for multi-service communication. Instead of writing code for waiting for a message and blocking threads, we define handlers that will start their work as soon as action (Message receiving, connection establishment) happens. In this way, we delegate message receiving and sending to the java library. We take care of the most important part - writing, reading, reacting to failure events.

Communication with API and P2P packages

Every time networking module receives a valid message, it converts it into Kotlin object: messaging.p2p.P2PMgs or messaging.api.APIMsg. The api or p2p message then passed to the APICommunicator or P2PCommunicator respectively. Invalid messages are ignored. If API channel is closed api.manager.GossipManager gets notified about it with channelClosed function.

Process architecture

We have two processes running: P2PService and APIService. Their addresses are defined as api_address and p2p_address accordingly. They are started as two different coroutines.

In addition, if we need to send a P2P message, we create a process OneWayMessageClient to do so. It opens a socket connection with stated peer, sends message to it then closes the connection and stops the process. OneWayMessageClient is also starts as coroutine.

Messages mapping from byte array to objects and to byte array from objects
API messages

Socket connections not from our own machine are refused. So attackers cannot fake our own modules.

To map API messages into objects we manually parse ByteBuffer's content into APIMsg object with fromByteBuffer static function that implemented in every APIMsg class.

To map API messages to byte array, we manually create byte array from objects according to the protocol specification with toByteArray() function that implemented in every APIMsg object.

P2P messages

To map P2P messages into objects we use json.JsonMapper that makes use of kotlinx.serialization library. We convert our objects into json, which is string format, then it is converted into byte array and sent over the network.

To map P2P messages to byte array, we use json.JsonMapper that makes use of kotlinx.serialization library. We convert our byte arrays to string, then we convert resulting json into P2PMsg with Json.mapFromJson function.

The Messaging Package

The messaging package consists of the api and p2p subpackages. They are seperated from the api and p2p main packages because their classes are also used outside the main packages.
The subpackages each contain:

  • Classes representing the message types of the API or P2P protocol, respectively. For the concrete message types of the API protocol, we refer to the project specification paper of this class. For the message types of the P2P protocol, we refer to the p2p package section.
  • The superclass APIMsg or P2PMsg from which the API or P2P message classes, respectively, inherit.
  • The interface APIMsgListener or P2PMsgListener, providing a method receive to receive API or P2P messages, respectively.
  • The singletons APICommunicator and P2PCommunicator. They each serve as an abstraction layer between the networking and the api or p2p package, respectively. Other classes can use their send function to send an APIMsg or P2PMsg, respectively. Whenever the networking package receives an API or P2P message, it forwards them to the APICommunicator or P2PCommunicator. They then forward the message to all instances implementing the APIMsgListener or P2PMsgListener.
  • The p2p package additionally contains the Peer class. An object of this class represents a peer in the network. It contains the address of the socket the peer is listening on.

The API Package

The main logic of the api package is in the GossipManager. It implements the API communication as specified in the project specification paper. It has the following responsibilities:

  • Receiving messages coming from other modules. For this reason, the manager implements the APIMsgListener interface.
  • Keeping a map of modules to the data types the modules have subscribed for. Furthermore, the manager implements a channelClosed method. The networking package calls it whenever the connection to another module breaks. The GossipManager then unsubscribes the corresponding module.
  • Passing knowledge coming from other peers to the modules which have subscribed for it. To receive messages from other peers, it implements the P2PMsgListener interface.
  • Forwarding data to other peers. To do so, the manager stores incoming spread messages with a unique ID. It then sends a GOSSIP NOTIFICATION message to the modules which have subscribed for the corresponding data type. If a module sends a GOSSIP VALIDATION with the valid flag set to true, the manager spreads this message to the peers.

The P2P Package

The p2p package maintains the peer's neighbourhood by implementing a simplified version of the Brahms algorithm specified in Brahms: byzantine resilient random membership sampling. We chose this approach since the Brahms algorithm provides a solid resilience against Byzantine and Crash faults.

The Brahms Algorithm

As in the Brahms paper, we also refer to a peer's neighbourhood as its view. The Brahms algorithm frequently updates this view from three sources:

  • It queries its neighbours about their view with so called pull request messages. Honest neighbours then send their view in a pull response message.
  • Additionally, the algorithm listens to other peer's push request messages. Each peer uses these requests to ask another peer to include it in their view.
  • Finally, each update contains a random subset of the history of the peer. This history consists of all the peers contained in the push requests or pull responses the peer has ever received. Of course, an implementation never maintains the whole history but only the current random subset. Additionally, Brahms regularly ensures that the peers in the random subset are still online by sending them probe request messages. If there is no probe response message answering the request, the algorithm removes this peer from the current random subset.

Message Types of the P2P Protocol

Our module represents every message of the P2P protocol in two formats: As an instance of a message class or as a Json object. The module operates with the first format for passing a message internally while it uses the second format on the network layer. We describe the latter format in the The P2P Protocol section. When we mention a message in another section, we always talk about the instance of a message class. The message classes are:

  • SpreadMsg
  • PullRequest and PullResponse
  • PushRequest

As already mentioned, our module uses the SpreadMsg to spread knowledge across the network. A peer needs the other messages to maintain its view with the Brahms algorithm (see section The Brahms algorithm). Our P2P protocol does not contain a probe request or probe response message. Instead, we check the availability of a peer directly on the network level by trying to connect to the peer's socket.

Implementation of the Brahms Algorithm

In our implementation, the View singleton maintains the peer's current view. At the startup of our module, we initialize the view with the bootstrapping peers provided in the INI file. A coroutine frequently updates the View singleton from three sources:

  • PushManager.push. This is a set containing the peers from all the received push requests since the last update round.
  • PullManager.pull. A set consisting of the peers from all the pull responses since the last update round.
  • The current random subset of the history, provided by the History singleton.

The History singleton holds a list of Sampler objects. Each Sampler instance is responsible for randomly selecting one of all the peers that our module has ever received. The Sampler class is implemented similar to the pseudocode in the Brahms paper. It holds the peer it is currently selecting as well as a random number.
For each peer received in a push message or pull response, the History singleton calls each Sampler's next function. As a function parameter, we hand over the received peer. If the Sampler is currently not selecting a peer, the received peer becomes the selected peer. Otherwise, the function hashes the peer's address as well as the random number with the SHA256 algorithm. If this hash is smaller than the hash of the currently selected peer, then the received peer becomes the new selected peer. With this strategy, a Sampler always holds a peer selected uniformly at random from all the peers it has received so far. The random number ensures that the different Samplers choose different peers.
Additionally, a Sampler must check the availability status of the peer it holds. This is done with a coroutine which periodically tries to connect to the peer. The Sampler's construction phase launches this coroutine. Whenever the associated peer is offline, the Sampler resets itself. It removes the peer and creates a new random number.

The remaining classes in the brahms package are the aforementioned Pull- and PushManager. They are responsible for handling the sending and/or receiving of pull or push messages, respectively. They both implement the P2PMsgListener interface. The PullManager frequently sends pull requests to the peer's neighbours. If it does not receive an answer after a timeout, it removes it from the current view. Otherwise, it adds the peers contained in the pull response to the View.vPull set.
The PushManager regularly sends push requests to the peer's neighbourhood. To send a push request, the sender must always proof some work. This prevents a malicious peer from flooding the network with push responses. Therefore, before sending such a request, the manager must first hash the sender and receiver address, the current time, in meticulous precision, as well as a nonce. The nonce must be chosen so that the resulting hash starts with a certain number of leading 0 bits. Every time the PushManager receives a push request, it validates whether hashing the mentioned values results in a correct hash. It tries the last few minutes as the time parameter. Only then it updates the View.vPush set.

The P2P Protocol

In this section, we provide a definition of the message formats on the network layer. The peers transport them as Json objects. The networking package maps an incoming Json message to an instance of the message class the Json message is associated with. It then forwards the instance to the P2PCommunicator. When an entity instructs the networking package to send a message instance, the mapping proceeds in the other direction. In this case, it maps the instance to a Json object before sending it to the message's destination.

Core Message

When the networking package receives a Json message, it needs to know to which message class it should map the message to. Therefore, each Json message starts with the message type. Furthermore, it contains the address on which the sender listens to incoming messages. Hence, each message is in the following format:

Field Name Data Type Meaning
type string The type of the message.
sender Peer As descibed in section The Messaging Package.
remaining fields Described in the next subsections.

A peer has the following format:

Field Name Data Type Meaning
ip address string The IP address of the peer.
port integer The port number of the peer.

Body Types of the Core Message

In this section, we outline the different body formats, representing the different message types.

Spread Message:

Message type string: SpreadMsg

Field Name Data Type Meaning
dataType integer The data type field, as specified in GOSSIP ANNOUNCE.
ttl integer The TTL field, as specified in GOSSIP ANNOUNCE.
data byte array The data field, as specified in GOSSIP ANNOUNCE.

Pull Request:

Message type string: PullRequest

Field Name Data Type Meaning
limit integer The maximum number of peers to send with the corresponding pull response.

Pull Response:

Message type string: PullResponse

Field Name Data Type Meaning
view list of peers The peer's view, with a maximum size of the limit of the corresponding pull request.

Push Message:

Message type string: PushMsg

Field Name Data Type Meaning
nonce integer The nonce proofing the sender's work.

Used libraries

Library Usage
org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm Compiles Kotlin code to the JVM.
org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.5.30 Maps P2P messages to kotlin objects and vice versa.
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.2.2 See above.
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.5.1-native-mt Provides coroutines, as described in section Coroutines.
com.github.johnrengelman.shadow Plugin to build jar file.

Future Work

Several configuration parameters were only tested in a small environment. A deeper evaluation could improve the performance and robustness of our module.
This applies to the following parameters:

  • Difficulty: The number of leading 0 bits the hash of a PushMsg must have.
  • Update Interval: The frequency with which our module updates its view.
  • Probe Interval: The regularity in which a Sampler probes the peer it is currently selecting.
  • Push Limit: The maximal number of push messages we accept in an update round. If the incoming push messages exceed this limit, the view does not update in this round.


Our module sends network traffic as plain text. For this reason, message encryption and authentication must be done on a lower layer.


How to install java on your machine to follow section "How to build and run project"

  1. Download java version 16 following instructions on
    1. for Windows
    2. for Mac OS
    3. for Linux

How to build and run project

  1. To build the project:
    1. For MacOS Terminal
      1. Run from the project root folder sh deployment/mac/
    2. For Windows PowerShell
      1. Run from the project root folder .\deployment\windows\build.ps1
    3. For Windows CMD
      1. Run from root project folder .\deployment\windows\build.cmd
  2. Then, if you need to provide your own .ini settings, you have two options
    1. Change existing service.ini file
      1. For MacOS Terminal
        1. in deployment/mac/service.ini
      2. For Windows
        1. in deployment\windows\service.ini
    2. Create your own ini settings file
  3. Run jar file
    1. For MacOS Terminal
      1. java -jar deployment/mac/Gossip-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -c deployment/mac/service.ini
        1. If you use your own .ini file, put it in the command above instead of deployment/mac/service.ini.
    2. For Windows
      1. java -jar deployment\windows\Gossip-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -c deployment\windows\service.ini
        1. If you use your own .ini file, put it in the command above instead of deployment\windows\service.ini.


API Protocol

Disclaimer: Only works on Windows 10.

  1. Build the project as described in section How to build and run project.
  2. Install Python3 and the latest Pip on your machine.
  3. Open a terminal with administrator rights and go to the project root.
  4. Install all dependencies with pip install -r .\api_testing\requirements.txt.
  5. Make sure that port 7000-7002 and 7050-7052 are available. Now, start 3 instances of our module by executing .\api_testing\test_servers.cmd. Wait for about 10 seconds so that the modules can find each other.
  6. Go to the project root and run .\api_testing\ --help. Read the instructions to test the functionality you want to test.

Networking part

The networking part was tested manually by using test class ClientMain.kt. ClientMain.kt was sending one way messages to APIService and P2PService and we ensured they were encrypted.


A Gossip protocol for a P2P network using the Brahms algorithm.








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