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Clue quiz

Note: If you're on an M1 Mac, you may encounter an error saying the pygame.mixer module could not be found. In this case, you will have to build PyGame from source.


First, clone the repository and cd into the newly created directory:

git clone
cd cluequiz


It is recommended to create a Python virtual environment to install clue quiz in:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Then install the module by executing the following command:

pip install .

You have to run this command every time you change the source code (cluequiz/!). Otherwise, changes will not be picked up. Alternatively, you can install the module with the --editable flag:

pip install --editable .

If there is an error installing pygame, you may need to install the SDL libraries beforehand.


You can also run clue quiz in a Docker container:

xauth nlist "$DISPLAY" | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | xauth -f /tmp/.docker.xauth nmerge -
sudo docker-compose up


Clue quiz requires a config file config.yml and one or more clue sets specified in the config. The config file should look something like this:

  - clue-set01.yml
  - clue-set02.yml
  - ...

Every clue set has six categories with five clue-question pairs each:

Category 1:
  - clue: Clue 1
    question: Question 1
  - clue: Clue 2
    question: Question 2
  - clue: Clue 3
    question: Question 3
  - clue: Clue 4
    question: Question 4
  - clue: Clue 5
    question: Question 5
Category 2:
  - ...

Sounds can be used as clues by supplying a sound key instead of clue:

- ...
- sound: sound.ogg
  question: What is ...?

To use an image as a clue replace the clue key with an image key. An optional bg key may also be specified to fill the background with the given color:

- ...
- image: image.jpg
  bg: [255, 255, 255]
  question: Question?
- ...

If you want to display code as a clue, you can have it syntax-highlighted by specifying a lang key:

- ...
- clue: |
        a = 3
        b = 4
        c = (a**2 + b**2)**0.5
        assert c == 5.0
  lang: python
  question: What is a Pythagorean triple?
- ...

Optional configuration keys

  • Setting the ignore-responded key to true lets players respond infinitely often, but also subtracts points from their scores every time they answer wrongly.
  • Setting the viewer key to true activates viewer mode, i.e. selecting a clue displays the corresponding question immediately. This is handy when hosting a game created by others.
  • Set the music key to either a single file or a list of files containing music you want to play to help players think.

Serial configuration

If clue quiz is able to establish a connection to /dev/ttyUSB0, the serial port will be read instead of polling keys '1', '2', '3' and '4'. To connect to some other port or use a different baud rate, serial.port and serial.baud can be set in the config:

  port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  baud: 9600

MQTT configuration

Clue quiz publishes JSON objects via MQTT if the key is specified. You may also set mqtt.port and mqtt.topic to use a port or topic deviating from the default (1883 and cluequiz, respectively).

  port: 1883
  topic: cluequiz

The published JSON objects have name, player and value attributes. name is one of select, respond, correct and wrong. value is the amount of points associated with the selected clue.

  • For "name": "select", player is the id (0 to 3) of the selecting player.
  • For "name": "respond", "name": "correct" and "name": "wrong", player is the id (0 to 3) of the responding player.

Example uses of this feature can be found in the scripts directory.

MQTT input configuration

MQTT can also be used as an input for ring-in. The MQTT input configuration is separate from the "output" configuration:

  certfile: client-cert.crt
  keyfile: client-cert.key
  port: 8883

It is expected that you provide a client certificate and connect to the MQTT broker via TLS.

Clue quiz will subscribe to topic cluequiz/pressed_button and accepts '1', '2', '3' and '4' as a payload.

The script in the scripts directory of this repository reads from a serial device just like clue quiz and publishes the most recently pressed button to cluequiz/pressed_button. See the output of scripts/ --help for more information.


To start clue quiz, enter the virtual environment if you have not already and run cluequiz:

source env/bin/activate

In any screen, previous actions that changed the game state can be undone by pressing 'U'.


In the clue selection screen, one can choose a clue by clicking the respective field. To set a player's name, press '1' (red), '2' (green), '3' (blue) or '4' (yellow) on the keyboard (serial input won't work), type their name and hit the return key.

Display clue

Once the clue is displayed, the players can ring-in by pressing '1', '2', '3' or '4' on the keyboard, send '1', '2', '3' or '4' via the serial connection or publish '1', '2', '3' or '4' to cluequiz/pressed_button on the MQTT input broker. Pressing 'Backspace' jumps back to the clue selection screen. 'Delete' removes the clue for this game. If the clue is a sound, it can be played again by hitting 'Space'. Music is started (and stopped) with the 't' key, if configured.


Press 'j' to signal a correct or 'n' for a wrong response. If the answer is correct, the corresponding question is displayed. If it is wrong, the other players will be given the chance to ring-in. If no player has responded correctly, the clue is removed.

Display question and scoreboard

Any key goes back to either the selection screen or the scoreboard, depending on the game's state.


Quiz game inspired by the Jeopardy! game show







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