- Create a Droplet
- Navigate to 'One-click Apps' tab and click in Dokku's option
- Choose a size (at least 1GB of memory system)
- Add ssh keys
- Create the droplet
Before create the Dokku application we have to configure some things on our system.
Open a Terminal and connect to your droplet as follow:
$ ssh root@your-droplet-ip
Make sure that you add your ssh keys to Dokku user because it will be used when you deploy your app. Don't do manually, run the following command:
$ cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys | sshcommand acl-add dokku dokku
As we adviced before, it's time to add a swap file to our droplet to not run into memory problems. The easy way to create it, run this command to execute a gist script:
$ curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/luisintosh/6accd2dbaee4e3ecb1dcd4a8115dbad2/raw/7472b9384e0acd0743a06042e85829c855abfdd1/create-swapfile-ondigital-ocean.sh | sudo bash
It will create a 2GB Swap File for you!
To create a Dokku application run the following command:
$ dokku apps:create foxyred
You need to install a plugin to connect to the database. In this case we are going to use Postgres so, run:
$ dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-postgres.git postgres
After install the plugin you can create the database for your application.
$ dokku postgres:create foxyreddb
Link the database to your app
$ dokku postgres:link foxyreddb foxyred
Running the following command you can see a list of environment vars for your application:
$ dokku config foxyred
Reference: https://github.com/dokku/dokku-postgres
Typically an application will require some configuration to run properly. Dokku supports application configuration via environment variables. Environment variables may contain private data, such as passwords or API keys, so it is not recommended to store them in your application's repository.
The config plugin provides the following commands to manage your variables:
config (<app>|--global) Display all global or app-specific config vars
config:get (<app>|--global) KEY Display a global or app-specific config value
config:set (<app>|--global) KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY2=VALUE2 ...] Set one or more config vars
config:unset (<app>|--global) KEY1 [KEY2 ...] Unset one or more config vars
Reference: http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/configuration/environment-variables/
dokku config:set foxyred MAILER_SENDER='[email protected]' DOKKU_DOMAIN='foxy.red' SMTP_ADDRESS='smtp.mailgun.org' SMTP_USERNAME='[email protected]' SMTP_PASSWORD='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
At this point, go to my github and get the code of the sample application:
$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/luisintosh/foxyred
You have to take in consideration the following files because they will make possible deploying the Dokku application. If you are following this post and want to deploy my sample application, the changes are made yet so you have to do nothing but you will need to do it when you want to deploy your own application:
To connect to Postgres we need to add the environment variable that Dokku set before for us.
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
pool: 5
url: <%= ENV['POSTGRESQL_URL'] %>
Configuration file for Puma, a very fast and concurrent server that it's a better choice to run our application in production.
workers Integer(ENV['WEB_CONCURRENCY'] || 2)
threads_count = Integer(ENV['MAX_THREADS'] || 5)
threads threads_count, threads_count
rackup DefaultRackup
port ENV['PORT'] || 9292
environment ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development'
on_worker_boot do
It tells Dokku to use Puma.
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
This is the way in Dokku to setup zero downtime deployments. It makes sure that our application is available before pointing to the new container.
/check.txt it_works
Now, we need to create a custom route in our config/routes.rb file that handles requests to the /check.txt endpoint. Add the following route, which will return the it_works text that our CHECKS file is expecting:
get '/check.txt', to: proc {[200, {}, ['it_works']]}
Reference: http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/deployment/zero-downtime-deploys/
This prevents that Dokku uses the Dockerfile that we set for the development environment.
By default, any changes that you make to your Rails app database require that you manually run rake db:migrate to process your migration files and apply your changes to your database.
We can ensure that Dokku does this automatically for you when you deploy by creating an app.json file in your Rails app root, which Dokku will look to for instructions on what it should do when you deploy your App.
Let's create a file named app.json in the root of your Rails app and add the following instructions:
"name": "foxyred",
"description": "Shorten URLs",
"keywords": [
"scripts": {
"dokku": {
"postdeploy": "bundle exec rake db:migrate && bundle exec whenever"
This is telling dokku that after your deploy is successful, run bundle exec rake db:migrate automatically to handle any changes you made to your database between app versions
Add Git Remote
$ git remote add dokku dokku@your-droplet-ip:foxyred
Push the app!
$ git push dokku master
This is the command! After upload the code you will see how Dokku is deploying the application.
Type the following command to populate the database. Also you can run bundle or rake command.
$ ssh dokku@your-droplet-ip run foxyred rake db:seed
Open a browser and go to your droplet ip. Then click on Hostname field and change for current domain name foxy.red, later check the option 'Use virtualhost naming for apps' and by last push Finish Setup button.
Check out the following article for detailed instructions on how to set up your domain name to point to your new Rails app running on Dokku.
Now that you have your droplet, domain name and app ready to go, point the dokku app to root domain name of the dokku server.
$ dokku domains:add foxyred foxy.red
Reference: http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/configuration/domains/
Install dokku-letsencrypt
$ dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt.git
Setup email
$ dokku config:set --no-restart foxyred [email protected]
Install certificate
$ dokku letsencrypt foxyred
That's all!
Reference: https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt